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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. I've had too many bomb threats...
  2. Me neither. I'm done as done gets.
  3. Simply a css problem. That's all.
  4. That's wicked weird. I like it!
  5. I have an iPod. I love it.
  6. Wraith


    Strange. How often have you been in the Just For Fun forum?
  7. Freakin' sweet. I like it.
  8. Oh, god. I hated that so much.
  9. Hello. I was recommended here as well. I need 60 more points for a hosting service!
  10. It has a plotline, so therefor it is a story. One fateful day in Mobius... Sonic: WE'RE OUTTA POP TARTS!!!! Knuckles: My ears... Sonic: Ahh, shaddup. You couldn't hear an elephant stampede run by your face with all of that wax in there. Knuckles: WHAT?!? Sonic: Exactly. Tails: Sonic. What are you screaming about? Sonic: Go get Pop Tarts. Tails: But- Sonic: NO EXCUSES! Tails: I gave the Pop Tarts to the chaos. Sonic: Say WHAT?!? Tails: God, they were gonna eat me! Sonic: When was the last time they ate? Tails: Yesterday. Sonic: Guess what's on the menu? Roasted, toasted....FOX! Quick, Knuckles, bag him! Tails: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Later at the chao garden.... Tails: Er..heh heh. Aw, crap, I'm dead! EEEEEEYAAAAOOOOOWWWW!!!! Chapter 1 complete.
  11. Sweet, man. Looks great.
  12. Well, the program is Live Green, Go Yellow, right?
  13. Psssst, my chickens are engaged! Teehee!
  14. ^Shove it up yo crack >buys a chicken VIs like, soooo last minute ago
  15. Wasteland by 10 Years.
  16. Wraith

    New Skin

    The skin rules now. Isn't that enough for you?
  17. You can just spend helions on it now, right?
  18. Just make it everyones. It won't kill you.
  19. We have to do something with chickens! Chicken drawing contest! Best one wins! YAY!!!
  20. Japanese is wicked hard. I have a lot of Japanese people in my family. I tried to learn, but pretty much failed.
  21. Wraith

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Well, I'm new, and all I'm here for is the site, so I'm a-postin.
  22. It's an awesome skin. Magnifico.
  23. Errr...Joe Cartoon is good.
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