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Posts posted by Thegolden1

  1. I've been trying to access my site with filezilla client. I've tried so many time all i get is;

    "connection establish", then

    "waiting for welcome message", then

    "connection time out." i dont know what the problem is.

  2. wow ok... over think is whats going on here...


    the problem is the way this is worded. it tripped me

    up for a second too.


    the way it should look is like this...


    25 + 2 = 27 (the money spent (soda + tip))

    27 + 3 = 30 (the money spent + money returned)


    all money accounted for and everyone is happy :D

    I still dont get it. Why will it be 25 + 2=27 there are three people involved and where did you get 3 from the tip is 2.

  3. There were three friends who contributed 10 cent each, making a total of 30 cent to buy a bottle of soft drink. The bar tender recognise one of them as an old friend and he sold it to them at a cost of 25 cent. Since they cant share 5 cent equally. Therefore, he kept 2 cent and gave each of them 1 cent. meaning each contributed 9 cent.

    Now here is the Maths. 9 cent * 3 = 27 cent + 2 cent that the bartender kept = 29 cent. Where is the remaining 1 cent? Dont ask me for the answer 'cos i dont know it too.

  4. What gets me really pissed is that there is never an option for more than one religion. The "other" options is great, like if you believe in Confucianism or something, but I'm someone who believes in more than one religion. So far, it's only Hinduism and Jewish religions. I do believe in many others too as I keep getting to learn more about them.


    I don't think anyone is ever one religion, it's mostly all just beliefs and like the Democratic and Republican parties, both have its flaws and strong points.

    There is no place that 2 or 3 is equal to 1. If you say all religion serve 1 God then how are you going to cope with their cotradictions. 1+1=2 not 1

  5. Do you know anything at all about forms? What are the form fields that you want to be filled out?

    yeah i know about form. The form field are; name, email, location. And i know i can use mailto in the process part of the form but i want something better than that.


    Do you know anything at all about forms? What are the form fields that you want to be filled out?

    yeah i know about form. The form field are; name, email, location. And i know i can use mailto in the process part of the form but i want something better than that.

  6. when registring you will be ask your age and if its belnw 18 u'll not be allow. I tried it just recently.

    And what if you "accidently" enter 1984 instead of 1994? :lol:

    :lol: I used to do such 'accidents' 2 years ago.

    thank God you dont do that anymore. Though i suspect then you are doing it intentionaly. (hahaha....)

  7. After publishing my site www.allnaijajobs.co.cc i add it to google using google.com/addurl yet when i search for the site two days later i didnt see it on the list. Anyone has any idea of what maybe wrong? You can do a view source on the site at <a href=www.allnaijajobs.co.cc > here</a> to see if i used any wrong code. Thank you.

  8. Hi,

    I just tried to login to my account through the cPanel login on the heliohost.org homepage, but when trying to login, it times out.

    Any reason for this?

    maybe u should relogin. It may be network problem.



    I just tried to login to my account through the cPanel login on the heliohost.org homepage, but when trying to login, it times out.

    Any reason for this?

    maybe u should relogin. It may be network problem.



    I just tried to login to my account through the cPanel login on the heliohost.org homepage, but when trying to login, it times out.

    Any reason for this?

    maybe u should relogin. It may be network problem.

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