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  1. Who says the world will end in 2012? The Mayan's or the scientist. We were they both when the world was created to me only the creator can tell the expiring date. So, why tell us the world will end in 2012. Forget it, its a ruse. Infact i've just finish watching the movie.
  2. Is it possible to switch main account to a newly add one that is added as a parked domain. Secondly, is it possible to transfer the PR of one to the other?
  3. I'll try that. Thanks bro.
  4. Thanks bro.
  5. No reply? No reply?
  6. I tried inserting the pre-install cgi counter script on my site, after copying and pasting the counter html code. I still cant get the counter and when i preview it, i get a message like this; "counter datafile '/var/cpanel/counters/my%20counter.dat' must be created in cpanel first!" i dont know what the problem is. Any help will be appriciated.
  7. I think people should learn how to be patience. The problem will be rectify. I think people should learn how to be patience. The problem will be rectify.
  8. I take it allnaijajobs.co.cc is the domain name you registered with heliohost with. This domain (allnaijajobs.net) needs to have the nameservers pointing to heliohost. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org Then go to your cpanel and look for the Parked Domain option and add allnaijajobs.net as a parked domain and then wait for awhile for it to propagate. thanks Byron, what will i do without you. How is Dallas today?
  9. What are your domain names? my domain names are; www.allnaijajobs.co.cc and www.allnaijajobs.net
  10. Byron. I have the same problem, how do i set them up as parked domains?
  11. Welcome back djbob Welcome back djbob Welcome back djbob Welcome back djbob Welcome back djbob Welcome back djbob
  12. but is there any ad that can be place on the sam page with google ad without violating google's rule? but is there any ad that can be place on the sam page with google ad without violating google's rule?
  13. Google adsense seems to be the only way a web developer can earn some money on their website through advertisement. But are there any other organisation offering similar service apart from google? I'll really appriciate it, if anybody can tell me of any other organisation. You know its always good to have options to choose from.
  14. i've not mail to hotmail yet but if it works, great. Thanks. Is that applicable to yahoo as well? 'cos it seems yahoo are blocking our mail too.
  15. i've not mail to hotmail yet but if it works, great. Thanks. Is that applicable to yahoo as well? 'cos it seems yahoo are blocking our mail too.
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