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Posts posted by majazac

  1. Bush is just as ridiculous as my own president... I guess they must be related somehow... Both doesn't know how to speak their own languages, only do stupid things and both aren't respected by serious people... The only difference is taht Bush is rich while Lula (from Brazil) is from a very poor social class.


    With the Clinton thing, I know that he had an affair with Monica who was a trainee at White House. She talked that to the press and the mess was made. He then swore that he hadn't done this but it was proved that he lied... But what do people have to do with his private life? The only thing that matters is that he was a great president... And he did a wonderful job that Bush Jr. screwed up in the first 3 months of government...

  2. I don't hate MS... I really like them... And if nobody liked them, Windows wouldn' sell so much... So if someone tells you that he hates MS, ask him if he uses a MS program... :)


    And BTW, president Bush is totally hated outside America... More ridicularized than hated, but...

  3. No. What I meant was something I read about if you wanted to place an ad from Helio Host on your page you would earn a space/bw addition... Just asked if that was already up and how the ad was

  4. Perfect!!!!! I got my gallery on a server and it installed perfectly... the thins was that i just couldn't upload the pictures cuz they didn't have support to GD and the IM was bad in their server... Thanks alot... I guess that so far here have the best service offer that i have seen for free... Congrats guys

  5. I know that the free host plan is ads-free. But I also read that if you wanted to help you coulkd place an ad and earn bonuses... What do you win? And could I place the ad wherever I want? And what's the size?

  6. it creates a new age stage the young adults who can go to college. It's like hot date town neighborhood. You go there with teh YA and you can make him study or gave parties college like... Kinda greek house parties. If you got the college degree you unlock 4 new careers that are very well pais and have cool reward objects. Or if you don't want the new career, you start the common carrers in a more advanced level. Plus you got a secret society in college lot who alows you to hack grades and make fake money...

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