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Mystical Water

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Everything posted by Mystical Water

  1. Where can we find that software for download?
  2. Wow cool. Thanks for the help and yeah does the tricks seem to work over Internet Explorer 7 cause i have never tried them before?
  3. That will after a very long time. Now a days hotmail and gmail are having the competition where as yahoo is far behind.
  4. Ok, but still you know that IE 7 takes alot of space though. Dude i am so not feeling well and can hardly think of anything, well that will never happen with IE 7 i guess.(Add-on)
  5. Hm. Probably but i haven't ever tried it.
  6. Now don't start acting like kids. Well yeah it is officialy registered and its legal.
  7. Thanks a million brother. Well does it charges money for the work?
  8. Hey guess what, i just checked out altavista, it has improved alot!
  9. Well thats correct but still dreamweaver can be used for advanced web designing.
  10. No dude, didnt found it yet. Didn't someone posted the script on the starting of the forum?
  11. Still they have developed their own software similar to outlook express in which you can check your emails directly. The name of the software is Windows Live Mail Desktop.
  12. Still dude i care about their organization. They really made such softwares which made the website's appearence look effective.
  13. Not a bad idea. And well i totally agree to your statement.
  14. Well there are methods that you might not know. If there wouldn't have been then how come the people got the information of the credit cards even if his computer is protected with the lates updates and all.
  15. Well till then new processors would be out so its useless to buy the old ones cause the new one's would be everyones favourite.
  16. Never heard of it before, does it shows exactly the same search results as google or yahoo does?
  17. Well Hi5 features are totally cool but soon maybe they would add new features. Just check out its layout and you will find it very interesting.
  18. What are its specifications and what makes it your personal favourite?
  19. What is the latest version of DAP and what features does it has now? I have to go now to buy somethings, will be back around night timings.
  20. Need stylexp mujtaba? Come online today around 8:00pm and i will send it to you cause i have a registered license of it.
  21. Encarta 2007, well i will search for it on the google, does anyone knows an encyclopedia which is totally based upon the subject MATHS?
  22. The Video Ipod's price is going around Rs,24000.
  23. No modchips have been released yet.
  24. You can signup for the tech geeks articles when you make an account for hotmail. They really contain cool stuff regarding computers.
  25. I have a webcam of A4 Tech and it is of 2mp with 4x zoom.
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