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Posts posted by Dragonfire

  1. Do any of you know where to purchase the style xp (full version). Style Xp is a program used to add some themes. There is a huge range of themes compatible with style xp on the internet.


    Themexp.org themes support style xp. Thats the biggest website I know of themes.

  2. In my opinion, the only reason Firefox is still being used by some people today is because of its add-ons. I hope internet explorer comes out with that. Then there won't be such a competition.


    And yeah the RAM problem. I have enough RAM to smoothly run all ie, firefox, dreamweaver, visual basic 6.0 and flash together at once.

  3. I tried but could find a website that contains this script I'm searching for. Maybe you people can help me out?

    Does anyone know the php script that goes like this:




    I don't want to show the real address of the document. And one more thing. I don't want the whole page to reload. I only want the text in the specific area where the content is written to be replaced.

    Waiting for reply. please help

  4. I know that. I wish there was an orkut script that added all the members of one community or all the friends of one person. And especially if there was a script to scrap all your friends in one go and one to scrap all the community members in one go. Please inform me if you find out.

  5. Now computer processors and chips are developing very fast. It was only a while ago when I saw the news in a magazine that intel was launching their Dual Core processors. Now the latest news is about Intel's quad core processors.

  6. If you're a beginner at webdesigning then you needn't worry if its tough for you to learn dreamweaver, ms frontpage is very simple and easy and you'll design the website very quickly, but that would be a begginners website and won't be as good as one made on dreamweaver.


    Then later on you can shift to dreamweaver when you get to know a bit about webdesigning.

  7. You never know who's looking over your actions. Some websites have ip tracking scripts that saves the ip of the visitor. And once the cyber-police gets to know the ip it takes seconds for them to get to the person who broke the law. That person will be heavily fined then.


    Well, I'm not at all in favour of this stuff. Why not spend 20-30 dollars buying that software than spending 2000-3000 dollars when youre caught?

  8. Hey, the author of bizar server said that he just wanted to try making a server software and that that was his first experience and he said that it was made for home use not office use. The size of the first version of bizar server was in KBs so any person who needed for home use downloaded it easily. If anyone needs a server software for office use then he should go for a professional server software.

  9. I admit that Firefox might be better than internet explorer in the security issue, but firefox's security still isnt powerful enough? you would need a security software. Then if you have to get a security software then why don't you just use internet explorer??

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