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Everything posted by Dragonfire

  1. I just checked out firefox's addons. They have extensions, themes etc. Really nice ones. One of them had the icons similar to mac's and also of vista's. Really love it. This is the url: https://addons.update.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
  2. This is my speed: 337 kbps download 140 kbps upload
  3. AOL Mail is now free and provides unlimited storage. Is that neat or what? I just checked it out. I think its providing the biggest inbox. check it out:www.aol.com
  4. vixy.net is not all that good. I think that downloading from torrents is better. Can anyone help me out with utorrent I just can't make it work. I do have limewire pro and somehow the torrent file opened in limewire pro. I don't know how it works but at least it does. Help needed.
  5. Please tell me about any new addons which are really nice like the ones on orkut. Or tell me about any website which gives detailed info about any of them. Waiting for reply.
  6. Windows live mail is quite good but not for some users who can not put up with it as it requires a high-speed connection. Gmail and yahoo rock in that but microsoft still goes all the way by allowing users to choose between the usual hotmail interface or the new windows live interface. I'll just stick with this for now.
  7. I addded some scripts for greasemonkey. I didn't have to restart my firefox. I have no idea why firefox asks you to restart it. I just right clicked on the small greasemonkey icon and then clicked on manage scripts. Then selected a script and pressed the 'uninstall' button to uninstall the script.
  8. You can get more information about net nuetrality from this website: http://www.savetheinternet.com/=faq I still don't get it.
  9. I'm really sorry about that RelaxRelapse. I thought that they were the same. Wait a minute, still confused about them. Do you know what's the difference between them? I didn't even know that there was such a thing as google maps.
  10. Is it even legal to use that addon cause I think that youtube doesn't want people to save their videos just wants them to watch them. Someone better inform them about it.
  11. Yeah it is. But you can also do another thing. There's a php script that if uploaded on your server, is used instead of the url of the other website. Its something like this I think:- http://www.website.com/index.php?page=page1 You should try that!
  12. If there is such an extension please can you tell me the name of the extension the url and tell me which media player to use which will support the youtube video files? Thanks a lot. Waiting for reply.
  13. I guess first it was only checking if their email service would be wanted by people and when they saw that people really liked it, they then switched it to joining without invitations. I feel a bit sad now. First only a few people including me had a gmail address now a lot of people have it.
  14. You can't actually say that they cheated with youtube. Its just that they didn't have to put that much of an effort on youtube as they just bought it. But it still made some nice services like orkut. But I guess orkut has a lot of spam now. Just remembering the good old days.
  15. Is this google earth you're talking about? Anyways, I think that microsoft has come up with some 3d maps feature. If it did, you should go for that.
  16. You know you can insert a redirecting script on your page. That'll work. If you don't even want to do that then you can also try inserting an inline frame using microsoft frontpage. I hope this helps you.
  17. If google has a lot of services to offer, that certainly does not mean that the service provided is not upto the mark. Some of the services like gmail, orkut and some others are quite good.
  18. Well I think that flash is a good way of displaying stuff on your website. The only downsides are that flash player should be installed on your browser and that you can not get the url of the hyperlinks when you're using flash. Anyways, does anyone know how to add java stuff to websites? Waiting for reply.
  19. I generally feel that high internet speed connections are not that bad. If I was able to pay that much while still spending money on other stuff, I'd do it. It really depends on how much of the net you use. I'm in love with it.
  20. If google does not have enough space then what will happen if many gmail users start filling up their email inboxes? That sounds like trouble for google.
  21. Thanks for the website, though I don't like using php that much mainly because I suck at it. Isn't there any program that allows you to do it or ready made scripts for it e.g. the script for the phpbb forum. If anyone finds any such thing please do reply.
  22. Hey Mystical Water, now the prices in our area have gone down. First Worldcall provided 64kbps for 1450/month and 128 for 2100/month. Then Cybernet introduced CyberDSL which provided 128kbps for 1500/month. Then worldcall's pricing also decreased and now its:- 64kbps for 650/month 100kbps for 1150/month 128kbps for 1450/month I still don't get one thing about Worldcall. They're giving 128kbps for 1450/month. Why not just get two worldcall's 64kbps connection for 1300/month. Anyways I'm really happy.
  23. I still like Microsoft. Just waiting till they fix the bugs with windows vista and add the drivers for common hardware. Then I'm going to get windows vista. It should be done in about 6-12 months I think.
  24. Check out these two download managers: GetRight - http://www.getright.com/ Sun download manager2.0 - http://www.sun.com/download/sdm/ I found GetRight better than the next one, though they both are good download managers.
  25. Youtube is nice and now its owned by google. But the problem with youtube is that you can only watch the video and you can't save it so I'd have to be on the internet each and every time that I want to watch the videos, and one more problem is that my slow internet connection slows down even more when I'm watching that video.
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