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  1. Alternatively, you can use reCAPTCHA, which IMO, is better.
  2. The TOS for heliohost is located here: http://www.heliohost.org/h-terms.html
  3. I don't need a username or password here, just delete your cache.
  4. I don't really use it, so I don't mind.
  5. Go to the co.cc control panel and change the DNS to point to the urls in byron's post.
  6. Nope, I am just playing around with scripts
  7. Shouldn't this be in Customer Service or Escalate Request? Anyways, you have to wait until byron, wizard, or djbob gets on the forum.
  8. If it asks for your username and password then I believe it does. You'll know in 30 days. Hmm...well it won't hurt to try . I just have to reactivate the account if it does not work.
  9. I don't get why you are saying. Your email domain is yourwebsite.com
  10. This question is relation to account suspension: If I use the FTP server, does that count as being "active"? I rarely use the CPanel.
  11. There has been numerous threads about email not being receive when using Hotmail. Try using a different email address.
  12. Okay, I will be using the proxy until my ISP resolves the issue. (It works with the proxy). Thanks!
  13. I think it has to do with: http://www.4creatingawebsite.com/cant-access-website.htm
  14. No, they both don't work. Thanks for the suggestion though. Something must be wrong with my internet provider or something.
  15. Hmm...that is really weird, I still can't access it.
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