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Posts posted by Derek

  1. Hey, I have a quick question, I hope someone can help.


    I'm going to be starting Web Programming classes, and a lot of the homework I'll be needing to pass in will have to be hosted online. I'd rather use this host because it has a lot more "growing room", but if you don't already have a host, you can host your files on the school's server.


    Let's say I need to pass in an assignment, and Heliohost's server is down. Is there any way I would be able to redirect to a server hosted at my house, or the schools server?


    I bet I could set up my domain's DNS settings to redirect to a BIND installation on my computer, which would try to connect to the nameservers here, or if failed, redirect to my schools server, but that sounds like a lot of traffic to my house (I technically have unlimited bandwidth, but let's not push it. I'd also not want to run a server on my computer all day while I'm at school in case of this scenario).



  2. If you go here (or if you want to go to that page manually, sign into your cPanel account, navigate to "FTP Accounts). Next to the user you want to configure (which should be the same as your cPanel username), click the button that says "Configure FTP Client", then click "Configure Filezilla". It'll give you the information you need to enter in.


    I hope it helps.

  3. It's not like it's against the rules or anything.


    I've been looking at the system requirements, and it says that it needs "to run daemon processes" and "Zope wants to open it's own port for incoming requests." So, I'm not so sure. But you're always welcome to try.


    I'm sure someone more experienced will reply soon, though.

  4. Is it possible to generate page content through php where the actual default values are a variable?


    What i'm hoping to do is something along the lines of this:




    echo "<input name='$variablename_".x."' type=text value='$_post['$variablename_".x."']'>";




    I realise an array would make this completely easier, but i'm hoping to be able to pass to a function the variable name I want to be generated on a form as plain text and have yet to figure out how to accomplish this. Thanks in advance for any assistance I may receive.





    I don't think I'm understanding you correctly, but yeah. You can use PHP and HTML interchangeably. So for example, say you have a variable X, and you want an HTML Input Form's default value to be X. You could do:


        for ($varX=1; $varX <= 5; $varX++) {
            echo "<input name='$varX' type='text' value='$varX'/>";


    However, it would be easier, I think, to not use the echo, and just write the HTML:


    for ($varX=1; $varX <= 5; $varX++) { ?>
    	<input name='<?php $varX ?>' type='text' value='<?php $varX ?>'/>


    Even though the HTML is outside of the <?php ?> tags, it is still nested in the loop.




    I'm not sure what you meant to do by using $_POST. Could you explain that briefly so I can understand the problem better?




    P.S. We really need a PHP code tag. I think it would be a great addition.

    P.P.S. Yeah, I think this topic is dead...

  5. I thought this poll is pretty straight forward: What IDE do you like the most?


    I know a lot of people use more than one IDE, but I mean overall, which one is the easiest/most productive/more feature-rich that you use?



    A few years ago when I first started using Java, I tried out Netbeans and Eclipse. I've found them to be "project based", as in, you would import all the files you use for a project and use it like that (bad explanation, I know). I didn't like it, so I started using Microsoft Notepad instead. I was missing some of the features that IDEs had, like error correction. Syntax Highlighting was a big one for me. Then I tried Notepad++, and I haven't used any other IDE since then.


    I like that it supports syntax highlighting for pretty much any language you can think of, and it has more than 20 already predefined. You can change the color schemes for the highlighting if you want.


    However, Notepad++ doesn't have Error Correction, which I would love.



    So, please vote and/or post why you like a specific IDE.




    P.S. If you don't use any of these, please post which one you do like, thanks.

  6. Small typo by the way:


    The homepage says "...a la 'Stack Overflow'...".


    Sorry, I'm not "down" with this hip, new lingo. >.> I thought "a la" meant "by means of".


    I'm kind of confused about the "Off Topic" questions, by the way. I tried reading the site's FAQ, but it seemed more focused on the site process. Could you please explain that to me? I think it means a question that's not a good one, but isn't that "Not A Good Example"?

  7. After doing a quick Google search, I haven't found a problem having both Fantastico and Softaculous installed at the same time. I guess since Fantastico's license is technically ran out, you could install Softaculous (kind of like a "soft migration"). Once people got used to it a bit (or once Fantastico stops working), you could uninstall Fantastico.


    My two cents. I honestly manual install the applications myself, but if Softaculous has more applications, I'd like having the options.

  8. internet explorer


    is this antivirus free?




    i will keep internet exploere and i use trend micro thats a really good anti-virus programme


    This thread was last posted in 4 years ago.


    And no, Internet Explorer doesn't have an antivirus bundled.

  9. I used to run Windows XP dual boot with Ubuntu, then I formatted my hard drive and did a Hackintosh -> Windows XP dual boot, did Windows XP with Fedora for a bit, and now I'm just plain Windows XP.


    Yeah I like Windows XP.


    When I finish building my computer, I'm going to get Windows 7, since I like it a lot better, and probably Windows XP for gaming. I don't think Hackintosh will run nicely with an AMD processor (since real Macs use Intel), so I don't think I'll bother installing Mac Leopard.

  10. Thanks.


    Can you also check why he doesn't receive an email for activation of his forum account?





    EDIT: I did it for you. The email should have reached you.

    It's probably related to the sites being down. Just go to the link below and type in the username he registered with, and it'll be fine (hopefully).




    I think the URL should be in the FAQ, only because it's not really easy to remember, and it saves the admins the trouble of resending people's validations in the Admin CP.




  11. I got the Error code 001: Could not connect to database. Is the DB still there?


    Yeah, sorry. I accidentally commented out mysql_connect(...); after I posted this thread. So I fixed that problem, but I still get that error.


    P.S. You'll get a

    Notice: Undefined index: valid_username in /home/derekboy/public_html/site/admin/index.php on line 23

    notice. Don't worry about it. I turned on notices so I could debug this problem, and if you look at that line on the source code, you'll realize it's not a mistake (I hope). I'm using "if ($_SESSION['valid_username']) { ... }" to check if you're already signed in. That error won't pop up if I shut off notices.


    Thanks again.


    EDIT: Yeah. I know where the error is coming from after a while. I rewrote part of login.php to be this instead:

    if (($_POST['username']) && ($_POST['password'])) {
        $checklogin = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM site_admin' . 
                              'WHERE admin_username = ' . $_POST['username'] . ' ' .
                              'AND admin_password = ' . $_POST['password'] . ' ' .
                              'LIMIT 1');
        $rownumber = mysql_num_rows($checklogin);
        // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row
        if($rownumber == 1) {
        // Sign in.


    $rownumber in this case is supposed to give an integer. Instead, I'm getting:

    Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/derekboy/public_html/site/admin/login.php on line 32


    So I added mysql_error(); and got

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''admin_username' = 'Derek' AND 'admin_password' = 'qwerty' LIMIT 1' at line 1


    Then I changed $checklogin to

    $query = 'SELECT * FROM site_admin ' . 
    "WHERE 'admin_username' = '" . $_POST['username'] . "' " .
    "AND 'admin_password' = '" . $_POST['password'] . "' " .
    'LIMIT 1';
    $checklogin = mysql_query($query);


    And it got rid of all the mySQL errors, but I still get the original error (Error code 002: The server denied you access. You must have entered in a wrong username and/or password.)


    So, I brought all the files up-to-date on the pastebins.


    Thanks again.

  12. So, long story short-ish, I type in a username and password to "login", and it checks if: You entered in both a username and password. If not, you get an "error Code 002". If you did enter in both a username and password, but they don't match with any in the database, you get an "error code 001".


    Everything works, except when I enter in a legitimate username and password, it gives me the "error code 001". I checked phpMyAdmin, and my username and password is indeed in the database.


    index.php - http://pastebin.com/s8EqjPvP

    login.php - http://pastebin.com/kBmWe7XU



    You can try it here. Username is "Derek", password is "qwerty".


    EDIT: I fixed it, thanks everyone. Apparently, you can't "SELECT ........ WHERE $_POST[...]", you have to store the $_POST in a variable first.




  13. You could also use .htaccess to redirect all requests to another page.


    Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that >.> It's simple but it still does exactly what I needed.


    I think I'm going to do what both of you suggested--I'm going to make an AdminCP and one of the things I can do is I can change the .htaccess files with the maintenance page (except my /admin directory). EDIT: Or I can just do it in cPanel. *shrug* </EDIT>





  14. On your site, you could give yourself a sort of an "Admin Control Panel" and have a boolean in a mySQL table, and when you want it to be under maitenence, you set it to "true" (via a checkbox in your ACP), otherwise, it's a "false".


    That sounds like a good idea. A lot better than mine xD. I'm still thinking about it though, but I think what I end up doing is very similar to your idea.

  15. Hey--it's me again :D


    I'm hoping you guys could give me a few suggestions on how I could do this.

    My end-goal is to show a "Maintenance in progress" or such page when I'm currently copying over files, etc, instead of the normal page someone would be viewing (no matter what page that would be).


    This is how I was thinking of doing it:



    ;; Site Status file
    ; status = 'maintenance' -- the website is down
    ; status = 'green' -- the site is fine.
    ;; TODO:
    ; reason = 'We are updating a bug in blah blah blah' -- specify some more information to show up on the "Site under Maintenance" page.
    status = 'maintenance'




        echo 'SITE IS DOWN';


    /index.php (or any file for that matter):

        $ini_array = parse_ini_file("/control/status.ini");
        if ($status_array['status'] == "maintenance") {
            header('Location: http://unorthodox.co.cc/control/maintenance.php');
        } else {
            //Normal page



    In a nutshell, everytime a page is loaded, the page will check /control/status.ini, and if "status" equals "maintenance", it will only show "SITE IS DOWN". Otherwise, nothing will change.


    Drawbacks are, that everytime a page is loaded, status.ini will have to be checked. Also, if you wanted to put the site under "maintenance", you would have to edit the status.ini and FTP it, and the same if you wanted to take it down from maintenance.



    So what are your thoughts? (Not involving code,) How could I improve this (using a database, or checking a .ini on my own computer...?).




  16. Just thought I would let you guys know--

    Heliohost seemed to be down for me very early this morning (about 1AM Eastern Standard Time), and it was also down for a proxy that was located in North Carolina (I live in Massachusetts), but it wasn't down on another proxy (located somewhere else in the USA).


    This didn't really affect me in anyway, but I thought it might be important--you never know.


    And according to the FAQ, you're supposed to read two articles if you think the hosting is bad. It never tells you to post in an announcement thread >.>. Seriously, if you expect a free hosting service (a popular service which is frequented by thousands of people, no less) to have 99% uptime, then you're crazy. If you want that kind of uptime, pay $10 a month for paid hosting. But I wouldn't expect you to get the support and community that you can get here.

    A free hosting company isn't considered "professional", so if you're expecting everything about the service to be professional (including a high uptime rate), then you need to find a different hosting company.


    Nonetheless, this hosting works out perfectly for me.




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