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Posts posted by Derek

  1. I've recently started to use Aptana a bit. For those of you who don't know, Aptana is an IDE based off Eclipse, but instead of gearing more towards Java like Eclipse is, Aptana is aimed at the web development crowd. I'm just going to find some plugins for Aptana (if a plugin works for Eclipse, it almost always works with Aptana as well) that I use all the time in Notepad++ like Zen Coding, and then I should be 'up and running'.




    P.S. I don't know how to add 'Aptana' in the poll because I'm a noob. :wacko:

  2. Maybe you could make a mod yourself, if you have time.


    Should be fun, as OpenID is open source and in theory it should work with any login system, as long as you edit it correctly. I'm currently making a blog and CMS with CodeIgniter and this thread just gave me a great idea to incorporate OpenID in the login system.





  3. yeah, it's only one account per person. Besides more bandwidth and/or space, I can't think of why you would need another one.


    If you just need another domain hosted, you can add it as an Add-On Domain in cPanel. If you don't have a domain and you were looking for another subdomain, just get a Co.CC domain for free. But you're only allowed one account there too.






    P.S. Yay 100 posts. I don't really aim for posts though.

  4. So... this is an alternate web server, or what?


    Bespin is an open-source browser-based IDE. It comes in two parts--a server and a client. The client is written in JS and the server is in Python. He wants to know if he can host the server on the server. It uses whatever port you want it to use (default is 8080), and it doesn't really use any resources. I don't have an exact number since I already deleted my Linux partition, but most of the system requirements are client-sided on the user's computer, the server is really only telling the client where the files are.


    Sorry if I'm not being clear, there's a wiki on Bespin at Mozilla's site.

  5. A lot of people use Bespin, but the editor that Mozilla hosts is really bare.


    Advantages of running your own server is that you can edit the server for more functionality, like a mini "file browser" instead of loading everything command-line, autocorrection, etc. It's like turning Notepad that has syntax highlighting into an IDE.


    As to the original poster...

    Would it be possible to get bespin and bespin server running on my account? I just want to know :)


    100% yes, you can get the client on your site.


    The server, however, is trickier. Since it's a Python program that's run constantly (I don't know how to describe it. It's like a background process without being in the background), I'd have to say that I doubt djbob will install it for you.


    Hopefully when the new server comes out (which has already begun development), you'll be able to run it. The new server is written entirely in Javascript, therefore it won't be a "process".

  6. An unhappy "customer" might have gotten disgruntled about Heliohost and spammed clicks. I read those two links from byron and a bit of Googling, and it seems if you get illegitimate clicks, then your account is suspended, no questions asked. It doesn't seem as if you can prevent this from happening either...

  7. If your account was disabled for not signing into cPanel at least once per month, it's not really disabled. It was deleted.


    You can just register a new account with the same name (or whatever name), and it'll work fine.


    Note however that none of your files were backed up from your old account.

  8. Most domain registrar are willing to be your DNS providers as well. You can set your NS records to point to them, and then set an A record to point to HelioHost.


    Yeah, I'm using Co.CC and they do in fact have a free DNS service too.


    So I was thinking I could set up a "home" A record to my house...


    But what value would I put for Heliohost? Nameserver1?

  9. Well, because I know all the name servers do is it tries the top one, if it's down, it tries the next one on the list.


    So I'm going to be searching around if the nameserver can be an apache installation, or if it has to be a DNS server.


    I tried just adding in my IP address for the first nameserver to see if it will not go to Heliohost, but it says it needs to be a url, not an IP address. I'm going to make a DynDNS or a No-IP or something and try again.





    I've never seen Firefox pass Acid3.


    However, I've only seen it fail Acid2 once, but it's fixed now:




    Every browser is different, but the Acid tests follow the web standards, so if your browser doesn't pass, it doesn't follow the Web Standards that it should be.

    Some people think they shouldn't waste their time making their browsers follow the test though (for example, Internet Explorer 7 failed Acid2, and Microsoft didn't bother trying to fix it until Internet Explorer 8).





    It's important, because imagine that your website was like these tests. If your browser can't view these tests correctly, the website you're making isn't going to show up correctly on these non-compliant browsers, and you have to add special exceptions.

  11. All domains have this whm subdomain, just like how they all have a cpanel subdomain.


    However, WHM (Web Hosting Manager) is a tool that only web host administrators can use.


    I don't think you can uninstall Frontpage as this might affect everyone on the server, but I'm not sure.

  12. Thanks Wizard, I was already looking into that, but I have a somewhat related question.


    I'm sort of new to this kind of thing, so: My domain is a co.cc subdomain, which allows you to have more than two name servers.


    Would I be able to set the first two nameservers to the heliohost name servers, and for the third one, set it to my IP address?


    Or do I need to have BIND installed on my computer for that to work?


    Thanks for your help,


  13. I use Chrome and I love it. The only problem is that I run into programs or websites that aren't made for Chrome. Only Firefox and IE. So then I have to switch over for a few seconds to view the website.


    I had this problem for college. I had to take an Alcohol EDU test before I could receive my schedule and scholarship money and the test could only be taken in Firefox or IE.


    Also, I feel that Chrome runs a lot smoother and faster than my Firefox used to. But I do have to agree with you guys that Firefox has a vast amount of plugins.


    If you're using Chrome right now, do you want to do me a favor?


    I'm curious if the latest version of Chrome passes the Acid3 test, but my brother doesn't want to take the time to click on a link.


    It's located here. You basically let it perform the test, and if you get to 100/100 then your browser passed.


    Firefox used to pass this test but recently they changed something and now it only gets a 96/100.



    Back on Topic: Does anyone use Chromium (the open source beta of Chrome)?

  14. Problem here is, some ISP's like to save money by caching DNS records regardless of what you set the TTL to. TTL stands for Time To Live and is how often your DNS records should be checked for updates (it is common to use something like 1 hour or so). You can certainly shorten this up to something like 1 minute so that as soon as you change your DNS it is changed all over the world. Problem is, this puts a bunch of strain on the ISP's who run DNS servers for their customers. So some ISP's (and I won't name names) like to "cache" these records for longer than they are supposed to. I don't know if your school is affected by this or not.


    There is really only two different ISP's you can get where I live. One of them is Verizon, which I don't have, so I can't know what their TTL is, but my ISP I know (with a 95% certainty) that the default TTL is only 10 minutes. But still, I understand what you're saying.


    It doesn't seem as if I have many choices unless I can find a free DNS host.


    (Or I could install portable XAMPP on my flashdrive. Knowing me, I'd forget to save backups of the site, though...)

  15. Hey, I tried your solution. now i get this : Access denied for user 'khemkas_root'@'nusnet-213-192.dynip.nus.edu.sg' (using password: YES)". Why does it add things after @. I never added them.


    The error is saying that the user "khemkas_root" at (<--- That's why there's an @ sign) the server "nusnet-213-192.dynip.nus.edu.sg".


    Did you use localhost? Usually if you use localhost, the server is "localhost".



    If you didn't, your sql user might not have been "added" to your database. You can do that in the MySQL wizard in your cPanel.


    Also, if your C# program isn't located on the Heliohost server, then you could try adding the IP address of where the C# program actually is in your MySQL Remote Access list (in your cPanel).

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