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The Doctor

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  1. What's to not believe that the world isn't over now? "Don't give a [bleeped!] about the temperature in Guatemala..."
  2. Dreamlinux (a forked Debian). I can cold boot >66mbs used. Also a great liveCD for fixing fubar'd M$ boxes. Compiz blows the doors off Vista. AWN gives me an OSX-Leopard dock. Why not have the best (or better) of Mac & MS?
  3. The Doctor

    More Downtime!

    Uptime is improtant to me. as it is for most people. I have a offer for you (JUST you djbob) as i said before I offer cpanel Hosting. My uptime for the 2008 year is 99.88% . I would like to see u move the suport forum to my server so if the site IS reciving downtime people can check the forum and and see what is going on. I'll give you as much space/bandwith as needed. price = free (u scratch my back, i'll scrach your) PM me if interested (go ahead a del this post if you'd like, but please consider.)I'd also like to exchange MSN addresses so we can talk more. This is a fantastic idea. +1 mknjhill! @djbob: is there anything us users can do to help (aside fr voluntarly putting up ads on our pages, which I plan to do anyways)?
  4. Hello all - All documentation I've googled simply describe cPanel's backup as just including e-mail forwarders & filters. Can anyone verify if it actually backs up POP mailboxes & their contents? Or is there an alternative method so I can backup the web mail accounts (I'm using RoundCube)? TIA.
  5. Must be my paranoia; seems since I've signed up a couple of days ago, we've been having some trouble. Maybe I've jinxed Helio. Cheers,
  6. *bump* dataflow.heliohost.org
  7. --- will open new topic as is new issue ---
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