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Everything posted by Techcowboy77

  1. Working like a charm, you guys are amazing!!
  2. Good afternoon, just checking to see if anyone has reported any PostgreSQL problems with sites on Stevie? My site reported a database connection failure and when I opened CPANEL and tried to view my database list it gave an error stating the PostgreSQL server is currently offline. u/n dubtime timeclock.heliohost.org Hosted on Stevie PostgresSQL database type
  3. As of about 1pm EST my sites returned to normal operation. Just figured I would provide an update.
  4. I am also experiencing a site not found error, but for me this seems to only occur from my work computer though which is on a government network so I thought it was just me. This started yesterday afternoon for me. I have run trace routes on the subdomains and domains in question and found not only is my site not available from my work computer but neither is the heliohost.org home site or this helionet.org site. I am having to open all three from my phone. At first I thought it was a DNS issue, but as I can access through my mobile phones browser by the site name that can't be the case. Now it seems to be more a case of the DNS servers used for these hosts are not being advertised to the top level DNS servers in certain areas of the global structure. I checked the availability of the www.heliohost.org site through host-tracker.com and 4 locations failed to identify it with an error stating [Failure("Domain lookup failure:www.heliohost.org Exception:Not_found")]
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