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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. I've never played any of the 3d ones. When I try to get them off torrents the seeders find better things to do and stop seeding...
  2. That amounts to my list as well, although I'd kick Animal Crossing up to #2 and kick everything below 2 down a notch.
  3. One more for both sides: WORMS IS FREAKING AWESOME DUDE!
  4. bodacious, definitly.
  5. sp4m.
  6. Apparently I missed that... what are you talking about?
  7. First I'm going to lower my warn level, lol. Then I'm going to wait for him to show up again in hopes of getting him while he's online.
  8. I think I'll do fine. I got that 10k from that raffle thingy awhile back...
  9. Did you read the first comment? "coincidently..." lol
  10. Didnt some group get thrown out on their arses when they tried to sue RockStar on the behalf of two dead cops who got knocked off by a crazy GTA player? It will never work. When are people going to figure out that it's the parents that are the problem. Pay attention to you're god-darned kids already and dont let them watch/listen to/play anything that they arent mature enough for.
  11. Me neither, but did he say air hockey? I cant recall a game with air hockey before... *shrug* I might get it...
  12. I bought the n64 bundled with Diddy Kong Racing, some other game, and another controller. That was pimped. It was like thirty bucks cheaper than all that seperate.
  13. I wouldnt doubt it. I remember when you could get GOOD bundles for the N64 and the game boy and stuff.
  14. Yes, yes it does. I think this calls for HerLoss coming to the rescue and withdrawing funds from his massive bank account for temp-bans.
  15. Dont click on that banner covered in scantily clad women, ya hear? lol
  16. for me it was deciding what was easier to use to pull off the right stunts in THPS
  17. Yeah, and you'll notice that the pro-sony/xbox guys spoke of nothing but graphical superiority and "coolness" etc.
  18. I can move to a diff hizzous, no worries holmes.
  19. I usually dont get paid for a couple weeks to a month after I finish each job, so they come in staggared clumps. Yeah, me too. The only thing that's got me wondering is what role will the touch-screen, stylus thing play in the game.
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