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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Just saw National Treasure and it was pretty [bleeped!] good.
  2. Thats his decision and I dont really think that unless there was an agreement where he was supposed to give you admin rights you should use it as a bargaining chip.
  3. And those who dont pay shall be hunted down and will recieve a systematic beating! ... Well, maybe not...
  4. The Mario Bros. movie was pretty good, its just been so long since I saw it on tv that I can only remember bits and pieces of it.
  5. Must I once again direct traffic to this beautifully written article? http://s3.invisionfree.com/The_Aftermath/i...p?showtopic=158
  6. HerLoss


    Yeah, that ones pretty popular here, and I think we have gotten WAAAAY off topic! lol.
  7. HerLoss


    Its not exactly a famous saying, I doubt many people have heard it, but it exists.
  8. HerLoss


    yep, you should never look a gift horse in the teeth, ive heard it before.
  9. I havnt use MSN for a LONG time... lol.
  10. yep, but to get back on topic, I think that this goes under the catagory of dont comlain if your getting something for free, ie:http://s3.invisionfree.com/The_Aftermath/i...p?showtopic=158 I will point you there once again. lol.
  11. HerLoss


    lol, if I have a problem with the free version of something, I wont complain, I'll just go pirate the paid version!
  12. well first, if you dont mind my correction those are all html tags and with an image you dont need a closing tag. Last I knew you had to have it say "img scr=" to tell it where the image was at, so "img=" wouldnt work without the "scr" part to tell the source of the image. I've never tried it without "src=" so I could be wrong.
  13. lol, lotta time on your hands eh lappy? unless this was a spur of the moment random idea that you might be able to do this, it must have taken awhile to come accross this.
  14. HerLoss


    Regarding people who might complain about free services, I came across this a week or two ago... http://s3.invisionfree.com/The_Aftermath/i...p?showtopic=158 read it and bow down to the godly wisdom
  15. The other main difference is that bittorrent isnt really a program in itself, its a protocol that can be used to download parts of the file from different computers simultaniously, and it uses a tracker server to know what computers currently are sharing or "seeding" the file. Bittorrent files can be used by a multitude of programs that all connect to the same network(s) unlike kazaa, morpheus, shareaza, filetopia, tesla, or w/e, that have their own network that can only be acessed by that program. PLUS the bittorrent protocol wasnt originally designed for illigal filesharing, but for buisnesses to easily and quickly distribute files through their networks. it was just taken advantage of.
  16. HerLoss


    I'm not really sure that handing out hosting as an apology is really necessary. I mean, the service is free of any actual charge, so you dont really owe us anything for the server goin down. At least thats the way I see it.
  17. Yeah, take your time, I dont need to have it anytime soon.
  18. Haha, oops. lol here it is from imageshack as suggested... sorry bout that.
  19. Haha, I'm good! lol, not. thanks.
  20. slightly off topic, but what does the mmo in mmorpg stand for? my best guess is massivley multiplayer online, but I dont really know.
  21. She tried to say that I raped her (kinda hard when she couldnt keep her hands off me) and that I beat her and all that crap. total bs. Majazac- Yep, shes a nut all right. I have a habit of picking the most psychotic girls to date. No real reason either, it just kinda happens.
  22. Well I can definitly relate, I have horrible luck when it comes to ways of getting dumped. I dont mean to drop in and tell my story, but... lol A few months ago, I guess she got sick of me or was with someone else, so instead of actually talking to me or w/e, cuz that would have been fine, I get oh so nicely arrested for "physically abusing her." Ha! my [bleeped!]. So next thing I know she has what she THINKS is a restraining order (haha, idiot, its a contract, and being a minor, I can get out of it! ) Ive also more recently found out that she was... well.. "with" other guys if you know what I mean, (trying to keep it appropriate), a LOT of other guys. So now I have all kinds of doctor appointments for different tests cuz I know some of the guys and their diseases, not to mention she has the nerve to talk [bleeped!] about my more personal atributes (lies of course ) and actually called me up a week afterwards to ask me what our biology homework was! I feel so used... Alright, enough about me. I've pretty much learned that you just dont get really serious for quite awhile, I mean at least a year or two, so if [bleeped!] happens early on your not as attached. You bounce back I guess. I did, and now I'm back on the prowl.
  23. Awesome! lol. I guess I'll have to buy my own GC now instead of freeloading at my friends houses.
  24. Aight, I want the words "Independent Music" in the same style as this: The letters shown cut in half dont need to be, but I need it in the same or a similar font, with the same gradient fill and black outline on the same grey background. It needs to be 349x58, and if you could tell me the name of the font so I can use it on my site that would be great. Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, unless you have already crammed it all in there the image can be another 50 or 100 pixels wide.
  25. hundred bucks? ouch... lol. They were pop-unders kinda things so they didnt get in the way right away and it was only on the index page. Never thought about blockers though, maybe thats why it took so long.
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