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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. Even if they did they wouldnt do anything about it cuz mass population reduction wouldnt go over too well with the general citizen population.
  2. Exactly, and if they reinstitute the draft I have two options. Sign up for service so some other poor shmuck doesnt have to, or flee to canada.
  3. Yep, big no nukes war is what we need. But its not gunna do too much unless it wipes out close to everyone, cuz in 50 years, we'll be right back up.
  4. I dont need a conscience to tell me that the world is overpopulated, people need to die, and people need to stop [bleeped!].
  5. HerLoss


    I guess... we get like a week of vacation every other month, and its really pissing me off.
  6. No, but American protesters against the war were supposedly hurting their efforts... Or at least thats the way the government made it out to be. They can curb your freedom of speech and they can curb your freedom of freedom using your "duty to country" to draft you.
  7. Not me, but I'm the only person I personally know that can stand it.
  8. Well they passes a law during the vietnam war that basically says that the government can limit the freedom of speech and the press and all that during a time of war, and this is definitly a time of war, at least thats what everyone calls it.
  9. HerLoss


    I dont plan on being on much after this week. *cries* stupid vacations... give you a week of hope that your outta school and then bam... they drag you back in...
  10. NUKE CHINA AND INDIA?!?!?!? Are you serious, Gamemaster_268?!?Why would you want to bring down nuclear terror on literally more than a BILLION innocent people?! So be it if I get fined for flaming, but the thought of mass murdering billions sickens me. I rest my case, once again stated below...
  11. HerLoss


    Ill consider it... maybe... lol. I dunno if I'll be on enough in the future to keep up with stuff.
  12. Yeah, I'd say so. I blame it on television... lol. No seriously. Its the tv. Someone needs to take a baseballbat to all of his tvs.
  13. huh... never heard of it working that way...
  14. Well, the latest anything goes that I find worth watching is 2am, and I'm usually up till three or all night, so I dont really see the point. As far as I'm concerned a DVR just adds to a persons ability to be lazy. If a show is on, I'll watch it, and if It isnt, Ill do something else.
  15. HerLoss


    And I'll vote for you! I'd run but I doubt anyone wants someone with the title "Official pain in the [bleeped!]" to have power... lol
  16. I do belive that the U.S. bombed hospitals and schools because Huissein was RUMERED to be hiding in one. Terrorists have and never had anything to do with Iraq. Do some freakin research about it. Read a [bleeped!] newspaper. I have no problem with ignorance but all I see is blind trust and stupidity, and for that I have no tolerence.
  17. I would think not. Your bid is just you saying how much your willing to pay, and others do the same. You can alwasy increase your bid. You dont actually transfer anything when you bid, only if you bid the most.
  18. Thats the other thing that pisses me off about humans, their compassion for other living things. People that never should have been born are having kids because they dont have to work to survive and dont have to fight to pass down their genes. THAT my friends, is where we get the moron population.
  19. Theres a couple who are within 10 or 15 posts, but I dunno if they are still kickin around here or w/e... gotta go recruit!! lol.
  20. Yeah, thats what its about. The democratic process on-line (DPOL) lol. I just counted 17 members with more than 25 posts.
  21. ... Anyways, back on topic. I dont have a dvr or anything related. I'm poor and dont watch much television. Do you people live in your rooms watcing tv and sufing the web? *very scared*
  22. Like in the case of the South Park Movie: Bigger Longer and Uncut... Heres a quick rundown of the scene for anyone who hasnt seen this movie... -General: "Batallion 5, you will commense operation human sheild" *camera pans to show batallion 5, an all black regiment* -Chef: "Havn't you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclomation?" -General: "I dont listen to Hip Hop!" Or the great episode about the KKK and how they have a cake raffle and they play "who has the funniest thing on under their robe" and really stupid things like that. At the KKK meeting one of the members read the last meetings minutes, and it read: "Last meeting we decided that we hate blacks, and jews." And that was it.
  23. HerLoss


    Look at how helpful I am, I wasnt even trying! lol. I have a gift, what can I say...
  24. There were NO terrorists. There has NEVER been ANY connection between iraq and the terrorists. Whole diffferent issue there. Also, I do belive that the insurgency became established after huissein was removed from power.
  25. I got kicked out of my history class for voiceing my opinions on that... lol.
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