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Everything posted by heycm

  1. Okay, well it's not my personal use. I have now taken it off the server. I'd like to know how it was accessed if you believe it was being accessed internally somehow. I don't use it personally. It didn't work, so I removed web access and made a XAMPP test server on my win machine, using the local mirror as the directory structure. I gave up on using the TPB proxy since I now use alternate methods which circumvent my ISP. I reiterate: I DO NOT USE IT PERSONALLY; IT NEVER WORKED, but if you'd like to tell me who is using it (could it be a robot?), please FWD your IP access logs, since I don't think those are available on the cPanel. I have not used it since it started breaking many months ago and that was when I removed web access by removing web access via the domain/directory mapping in the cPanel virtual directories. Besides, without shell access, how exactly is one to use a script sans web access do you suppose? Did you update your bash shells? There's been a bug since 1.4 you know. Thanks, Michael
  2. SERVER: stevie USER: ufni DOMAIN: ufnpsi.com Hey, I checked back in to see what script it was and my account was suspended again. I was under the apparently mistaken impression that I had removed all web access from the proxy script, but I'll just take it off the server. Please unsuspend so I can FTP in. Thanks, Michael
  3. Okay, I'll be waiting with baited breath....
  4. Thank you! Could you please tell me what script(s) was(were) causing the high server load? Thanks again in advance, Michael
  5. User: ufni Server: stevie Domain: ufnpsi.com Other Domains: IllegalKnowledge.com, HeyComputerMan.biz, TucsonComputer.info, MichaelOatman.net|info, DisloyalConsumer.com Please unsuspend if you may, at your earliest! I did not think it was for nor does it work for inactivity/renew. Could you please include the reason / script in error / etc. please? If it was a script, I can remove access, debug, etc. so it does not reoccur. The mail server catch-all @IllegalKnowledge.com was working today as of 6:47PM, so it must have been relatively recent unless mail works and www-http does not. I did not get an email stating there was an issue. Thanks, Michael
  6. Any PHP scripts in possible error from web access now have "exit;" typed in immediately after the <?php remark. Can you please tell me what was causing the error now? Please also tell me with what load I had burdened you, and how much in, say percentage, this is above any acceptable load, please? Working in concert beats working asynchronistically. True? Michael
  7. Hi, and thank you, first of all. It does not help me much if I do not know what was causing the issue in question. Thank you, though for unsuspending ufni. I fear without knowing the issue, it may immediately rearise. See post: So please LMK, so that we can together prevent future issues. Sincerely, Michael Oatman
  8. It does not help me much if I do not know what was causing the issue in question. Thank you, though for unsuspending ufni. I fear without knowing the issue, it may immediately rearise. See post: So please LMK, so that we can together prevent future issues. Sincerely, Michael Oatman
  9. Hello, apparently my account was suspended again. This was happening because of a script placing a high load on the server. The script in question was /home/ufni/tpb/proxy.php and I have since removed web access from that script. Which script is currently triggering a suspension for load? If there is another script with an issue, please inform me which one it is, and please unsuspend the ufni account so that I can FTP in and correct the error. Also, what is the server load level which triggers a suspension? I have a PHP testbed on my local machine and I could test them for load level prior to uploading them to stevie. Thank you very much for your help resolving this, Michael Oatman (520) 302-5465 PS: I thought I posted this earlier and it did not somehow get listed in this forum's topics.
  10. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18855-please-unsuspend-sorry-correcting-it-on-homeufnidisloyalconsumer/ So, I'm attempting to upload and it shuts me off again. This upload will redirect traffic from the assumed problem. Please actually be descriptive: which script is causing the high load? Please help, and again, all apologies. I have not used anything but the /home/ufni/tpb/proxy.php -- if others were using the /home/ufni/disloyalconsumer/index.php, I am currently trying to upload to remove access from that script. Please LMK if this (disloyalconsumer/index.php) is not the issue. Thank you again, Michael
  11. Yeah, I completely get the concept, but could you tell me exactly what was causing the high server load? I'm guessing it was what I thought, which is likely correct, but if it is something like multiple page hits or a DOS attack, that makes a different story. So LMK, please. All in Love and Truth, Michael Okay, the sites seem to be working. Thank you greatly. Hey, so I just uploaded the fork of the /home/ufni/tpb/... stuff and minus CSS and some other minor formatting, it looks like that will be fine. Could I get a testbed on Johnny? The http://tpb.disloyalconsumer.com/ site is the one that is known. For now, I will shut it down, and I can do a location redirect. Thanks, Michael
  12. Hey, sorry, I think the index.php script at /home/ufni/disloyalconsumer/index.php is doing some sort of CRC or indefinite loop, but you can check my code and ensure my loop stops at (I currently believe 8 recursions), so anyway, I'm replacing the entire code with something much more efficient -- a fork of what is at /home/ufni/tpb/proxy.php -- so please forgive me. For whatever matter, it was working just fine until earlier today, and now it seems to recurse, and produce no output. I am replacing that part entirely. Please let me back on the site. I know I could use Johnny for this but you will not let us have simultaneous testbed and production accounts? Will you? Again, look at the code, since it explicitly stops at 8 recursions. I'm not sure but I am replacing that entire directory (/home/ufni/disloyalconsumer) with essentially (a fork) of what is in /home/ufni/tpb. I do truly apologise, since right until now, I did not know that there was an actual problem. Had I known there was a resource issue (I thought the lack of output was some other parsing error, and all other sites were working, including http://tpb.ufnpsi.com/), I would have taken more immediate measures. Sincerely, Michael Oatman (520) 302-5465 PS: call me if you need to since all my email goes thru helio.
  13. okay, everything seems to be working again! Thank you for all of the help! Michael
  14. Oh, right, and I have an .htaccess file which specifies ErrorDocument 500 500.php, so there's also that. And it was just working earlier. Yeah, that. Hey, just saw your response..... okay on FTP? okay so .htaccess file was re-uploaded -- FileZilla says they are the same. Did it anyway. hmm, the other thing weird is that my perms 755 index.cgi will not work either (in Perl). I was trying welcome.php in the /home/ufni/tucsoncomputer/[.htaccess|index.cgi|welcome.php] all in the same -- have a look please! all of that tried, deleting .htaccess, still no go I repeat, this was just working not but 12 hours ago. My time is 04:05:46 MST and I had left at about 17:12:?? yesterday and it was fine then. I thought maybe lop level (/home/ufni/*) dirs are somehow mis-permissioned, but no. Guessing more... Any ideas? Is this happening elsewhere? okay, no answer... I am deleting the entire tucsoncomputer dir from /home/ufni/, redoing perms 755 but 644 on text files, will post results soon..... well, no dice. I even, and unnecessarily gave all php (but cgi necessarily) 755 and the rest 644, with dir being 755 for all of /home/ufni/tucsoncomputer , so really, what gives? Again, this problem started sometime in between 17:00:00 MST Tuesday 01 April 2014 and 04:00:00 MST Wednesday 02 April 2014. What is going on? Are there others? With Help and Please Love, Michael Methinks this could be an Apache misconfiguration.... Perl ~and~ PHP? What else? Okay, so do me a humor: check your Apache configs and restart your Apache server. It is late at night and no one will notice. I won't tell. Humor me this, and see what happens. Oh, and when BTW, was the last time Apache restarted? Could it have been within the last 12 hours?
  15. Hey all, I'm really sorry to bug you again, but it does really appear that when I try to run any PHP script on Stevie, I get a 500. I have other domain/branches which do not use PHP and they are fine. This was working about 12 hours ago and now it is not. Please browse to http://TucsonComputer.info/ for PHP not working. Please browse to http://HeyComputerMan.biz/ for no PHP (just shtml). I repeat, this was just working. The Helio server, and its current state, seems to be the difference. If I am doing something wrong, please compare perms on /home/ufni/disloyalconsumer with those on /home/ufni/tucsoncomputer and explain why neither work. With Love, and Please Help, Michael
  16. Hi, me thinks there is a config error on Stevie's cPanel, either that or we are / have been using an unlicensed cPanel, since when going to: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.phpcpyou get: Thank You for installing cPanel / WHM. This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (License has a future date) Once the license on this server is active, you will no longer see this message. If you have installed a license since loading this page,click here to reload.
  17. Hello again, Okay, let's say, aside from that I may have several hundred "valid" email addresses, and I do not really want to type all of that in, let's say that I want to make up a "valid" email address while out, away from the computer, for a specific purpose, such as US_attacks_Syria@IllegalKnowledge.com and immediately get email there without having to set it up on the server, okay, that would be why default addresses are good if you intend on getting *all* the mail sent to your domain. I do intend on this. Since you all were stumped, just FYI, and you can now close this topic as "UNRESOLVED", migrating the IllegalKnowledge.com domain from Johnny to Stevie and setting up mail forwarding with default addresses as one would normally do on Stevie fixed the problem. However, Johnny is still broken. Thanks for your efforts anyway! Michael
  18. Hey, sorry it took a while for me to get back to the topic; busy is a good problem. So I've tried emailing from the heycm webmail internal to heliohost from johnny and it goes to illegalknowledge@gmail.com which then forwards (Gmail has its own forwarding system) to illegalknowledge@yahoo.com without error. What is supposed to happen is that I have the MX here on johnny and when people say want to volunteer@illegalknowledge.com then it ought to send the email to Gmail. That part is where I get Failure Notice. If you are an admin with privs, please (you have my permission) just go in and sudo try it. Michael To be more explicit, [insert-address-here]@illegalknowledge.com should forward to illegalknowledge@gmail.com. That part Failure Notice's consistently. The Failure Notice gets returned to sender, which happens to be illegalknowledge@yahoo.com, but it might as well be (simply without impugning anyone) fuck@you.no or example@domain.com, or any other valid email address. I have tried from multiple accounts on multiple servers and Failure Notice is the 100% consistent result. So have others, which is where it is becoming an issue. People who would otherwise be able to contact me at my domain email are not able to do so. Michael One more clue: this all was working, and then it suddenly stopped on the Ides of March. Check the logs on or around 15-16 March 2013. Michael
  19. Okay, so any ideas here? Is it headers perhaps?
  20. Yes, forwarders have already been set up. See: http://IllegalKnowledge.com/FWDERS.JPG Michael
  21. Okay, mail@illegalknowledge.com trace: _________________________________________________________________________ Delivery Report The search matches 5 records. Event Sender Sent Time Spam Score Recipient Result Actions [PASS] roundriver@gmail.com Aug 15, 2013 12:13:12 PM mail@illegalknowledge.com Message accepted [ERROR] illegalknowledge@yahoo.com Aug 15, 2013 12:12:12 PM mail@illegalknowledge.com Sender verify failed [ERROR] illegalknowledge@yahoo.com Jun 15, 2013 8:19:20 PM mail@illegalknowledge.com Sender verify failed illegalknowledge@yahoo.com Jun 15, 2013 8:17:20 PM mail@illegalknowledge.com Sender verify failed timetraders@sustainabletucson.org Jun 11, 2013 8:13:20 PM mail@illegalknowledge.com No Such User Here Data is retained for 90 days. [iMAGE POSTING NOT ALLOWED FOR MY USER; SEE http://IllegalKnowledge.com/traceaddy.png FOR IMAGE.] _________________________________________________________________________ This email is set to forward to illegalknowledge@gmail.com. In turn, Gmail forwards to Yahoo! Mail. I do not have any difficulty sending email to the Gmail address and having show up in my Y! Mail inbox, except of course, for this instance. Is this some sort of mail header issue? Michael Hi, I tried to post the table, but it did not work very well. Does the image link help? Michael So I took a screenshot of the trace report and one of the failed details, and they are here: http://IllegalKnowledge.com/TRACERPT.JPG ... and here: http://IllegalKnowledge.com/TDETAILS.JPG Michael
  22. Hello, I'm trying to get all email for my domains to forward to a specific address, per domain, which then goes to a few addresses at yahoo.com and gmail.com. USER: heycm (on Johnny) Domains: HEYCOMPUTERMAN.BIZ => mail@heycomputerman.biz -> oatman@geocities.com TUCSONCOMPUTER.INFO => mail@tucsoncomputer.info -> oatman@geocities.com ILLEGALKNOWLEDGE.COM => mail@illegalknowledge.com -> illegalknowledge@gmail.com MICHAELOATMAN.NET => mail@michaeloatman.net -> oatman@geocities.com MICHAELOATMAN.INFO => mail@michaeloatman.info -> oatman@geocities.com DISLOYALCONSUMER.COM => mail@disloyalconsumer.com -> sunsetsea@yahoo.com The intended effect would be that if I send email to either television@illegalknowledge.com or to mail@illegalknowledge.com, the message would be routed through mail@illegalknowledge.com and then forwarded to illegalknowledge@gmail.com, for example. As another example, consulting@tucsoncomputer.info would go through mail@tucsoncomputer.info and would forward to oatman@geocities.com, etc, etc, for all the domains above. The most important thing is that if on the fly, I make up an email address, like IKTV602@IllegalKnowledge.com, I need it to get to me. This used to be working prior to (literally) The Ides Of March. Something happened where from the 16th onward, mail stopped arriving, presumably with a Failure Notice. After reading all of the forums instructions and problematic situations, and re-configuring, now the trouble is that when I try to even send mail to, say mail@illegalknowledge.com, I get a Failure Notice: __________________________________________________________________________ From: MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com To: illegalknowledge@yahoo.com Subject: Failure Notice Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address. <mail@illegalknowledge.com>: Remote host said: 550 Sender verify failed [RCPT_TO] --- Below this line is a copy of the message. Received: from [] by nm6.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 15 Aug 2013 19:12:11 -0000 Received: from [] by tm16.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 15 Aug 2013 19:12:11 -0000 Received: from [] by omp1072.mail.ne1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 15 Aug 2013 19:12:11 -0000 X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 257723.44442.bm@omp1072.mail.ne1.yahoo.com Received: (qmail 37087 invoked by uid 60001); 15 Aug 2013 19:12:11 -0000 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yahoo.com; s=s1024; t=1376593931; bh=RcOi6eEv3MV6L1r32mqRzg+bLhBO6rgiaoz/OoTD8ZA=; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Rocket-MIMEInfo:X-Mailer:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=BvTUyprj1kkQ2bvAqKFuzszGIuAJixAuFt6my9I7gDOUiwRqjER38i3X4m2aHn8cn1JL/uDLrSsl9eRwqJ9OBZOJdqL1u/i258WVDxODUID9idlKjtC88HJBgpYy7zg6sDlrYrX1qscUCTvhTWA03tWuCRwkPbo7q+FVcxhEjbU= DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=yahoo.com; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Rocket-MIMEInfo:X-Mailer:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=D0hCSUwyZfB9U708EthLwGQG/2Wro4jsST1WTkA+MpMrNwdvks1rsVd1TEom+naG3nlPPvUsh3Ymo+/69Mg1YxcT8LcV+3T22l0voCIz4ow4r97Oh62VyPA9uLIO/NbNdNkTN2RxkfwvKty/KF5oXy+pcoFnXNNdT3yTxrD1GKU=; X-YMail-OSG: rL2nkYoVM1nq3v4DW2ZJdvZ01CMlDh4THFJmLTd0MukMDGH 6XSQpLW5ty2np.Dmyw2ThJGV8wcPprhBp7ExAw8jEnsfCKqFN0Jp22qPcFiy ZsDoPjBQqYjpMlfg.NVcXGlT0wGernKhi0eADWHAcYzGAICJNSN60hL2rsJq r2bMVKHPJR1N9wQ8rPCDH5enKmy4vu54vs0rUzEIFmfwTFgh9bDNA.gG0qQH 1iqPd2f4SlCZdl27GSzkb8CO0xti.nWm3ZQeNBzI2y.4tMnzPt1bpva4Uc6S VgI2Xgq0JGPvx8mGK1xfu56eQpxxVcvnD8KLjKpPvmqH9jgDcm5LrKizHvmj X3mA_6.tb_0mwOa8HIE3jZDv4SoO8KsihuxDohELKbXVzs4tJzor6CXG9ViL 1weggR0CoO6mCaPfuypsWN7OjXej.vdkqpQPKuomipgLF8zzF1FlRcZXmE1Y YUMgx3V9b1UHvyBivsOM67IZPJYeUEdYydk0hDpkbkFOZ8A9hZDCgSGSg2yG O2VWT3e6OmM7H9GBO4wGA3nzVj1jzHF5yWi.tzqy3wYm1lFD_ZNxAz7s_Vry .3GNAw7qkfOLaRQZ0YLpDKVtjt8FOgw7xlH9O9JpugjAxm0GrEqwSXB5C8XI ruxFWQqzmW8lhJGj0VsJBjjc075KmXCzPMo_0oi8_rMBjyrovcK.jB0Cgz_3 ROqs_8yy7B10bG4FfWVKRsU9KWo4NTldgWtkNXoWcHL2bvL1eQttMBvxS7CO 6nG9yvOShxijjQg-- Received: from [] by web124703.mail.ne1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:12:11 PDT X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,dGVzdCBwb3N0IEhIIHVwZGF0ZXMgMQrCoApfX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fXwoKCklsbGVnYWwgS25vd2xlZGdlIFRWIC0gY2FsbCA1MjAuNjI0LjI3OTIgd2l0aCB5b3VyIGNvbW1lbnRzIQpUd2l0dGVyIHlvdXIgY29tbWVudHMvcXVlc3Rpb25zIHRvIEBJS1RWdHdlZXQgYmVmb3JlIG9yIGR1cmluZyBzaG93cyEKWW91IGNhbiBhbHNvIHVzZSBGYWNlYm9vazogaHR0cDovL2ZhY2Vib29rLmNvbS9JbGxlZ2FsS25vd2xlZGdlCkxpdmUgZXZlcnkgdGhpcmQBMAEBAQE- X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/ Message-ID: <1376593931.35884.YahooMailNeo@web124703.mail.ne1.yahoo.com> Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:12:11 -0700 (PDT) From: "Illegal Knowledge.com" <illegalknowledge@yahoo.com> Reply-To: "Illegal Knowledge.com" <IllegalKnowledge@yahoo.com> Subject: test again 1 To: "mail@illegalknowledge.com" <mail@illegalknowledge.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="653734908-146887865-1376593931=:35884" --653734908-146887865-1376593931=:35884 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [message] __________________________________________________________________________ Okay, so I have the mail@domains.tld set up and configured for mail forwarding to the proper addresses. I have the default addresses per each domain listed as the mail@domain.tld for that domain. Interestingly enough, it used to work when I did not have mail@domains.tld configured to forward from each domain. Rather, I had the catch-all addresses listed per domain in the Default Addresses set to the final destination addresses (3rd column above). As I stated, that worked until the Ides of March of this year. Any ideas? BTW, it does not work in the configuration which was working prior to 3/15/13. Thanks In Advance! Michael
  23. *** If you could at least just put a Stevie copy of the /home/heycm up and send me the cPanel login address and IP address for any needed DNS change, that would be great if you could get to that really really soon. *** Hi everyone; this is Michael Oatman: USER: heycm on Johnny I have a local site mirror on my hard drive so I don't need to be a priority on getting me the backup files, but in the event you get to it, I would still appreciate a RAR or 7-ZIP (or whatever) compressed copy sent to me (25MB max, split RAR files okay, or provide an alternate DL location) to the email hey.computer.man.tucson at gmail.com or oatman at geocities.com or call me at (520) 302-5465 and leave a message if I am not at my desk, to arrange an alternate method. What is your ETA on Johnny? I have a show (Illegal Knowledge) on the 19th of October and I'd like to have a site up on either Johnny or Stevie by the 17th. I'll switch to Stevie if you cannot get Johnny up by then. That is what I meant by "tentative switch". Do I lose DB control in any regard on Stevie? Could I have both and use them in part and parcel (i.e. DB on J + regular shtml on S)? If you could at least just put a Stevie copy of the /home/heycm up and send me the cPanel login address and IP address for any needed DNS change, that would be great if you could get to that really really soon. That really sucks for you guys that you are having to go through this and I could volunteer my time to help in any way possible in the future if you need it. I think this site is hosted on your servers, but if http://resume.MichaelOatman.net/ works currently, please see it. Thank you for all that you do! Michael Oatman Host / Producer, Illegal Knowledge TV (et al.) (520) 302-5465 (msg if I do not pick up please) oatman@geocities.com hey.computer.man.tucson@gmail.com
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