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Everything posted by rmetrich

  1. Hi, from phpPgAdmin, I'm trying to export my database to a file. Unfortunately the resulting file is always empty. Same thing happens when dumping a single table. Regards
  2. It doesn't work either. I didn't modify the .htaccess in public_html/. It contains the following: # -FrontPage- IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti* <Limit GET POST> order deny,allow deny from all allow from all </Limit> <Limit PUT DELETE> order deny,allow deny from all </Limit> AuthName gieres.heliohost.org AuthUserFile /home/rmetrich/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd AuthGroupFile /home/rmetrich/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp By the way, my pure html test file works (http://gieres.heliohost.org/index.html). It's an empty html file with just a title.
  3. Still doesn't work for me. I verified the permissions. URL is http://gieres.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  4. Hello, I registered for a free account yesterday for evaluation. My website has been deployed since a couple of hours. Trying to test the cgi feature using a perl script, I always get Internal Error 500 even if I'm sure my script is okay. Question: where should I put the script? cgi-bin or scgi-bin? The Cpanel installation wizard says scgi-bin. Wherever I place it, I then always get error 500. Script is as follows: #!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { my $b__dir = (-d '/home/rmetrich/perl'?'/home/rmetrich/perl' getpwuid($>) )[7].'/perl'); unshift @INC,$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5',$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux',map { $b__dir . $_ } @INC; } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html><head></head><body>\n"; print "HELLO THERE\n"; print "</body></html>\n";
  5. Hi, I would like to install my web app based on a perl and postgresql backend. For this I require the Rose::DB::Object module, which (among others) requires SQL::ReservedWords. Unfortunately the later cannot be installed because it requires Module::Build version 0.4 and only 0.38 is installed by the system. Of course the update for Module::Build version 0.4 is available in the package list but installing it doesn't solve the issue because it seems that the CPAN installer available from CPanel doesn't take the user's installed packages into account: one can upgrade Module::Build to 0.4, but on CPanel "Installed Perl Module(s)" list always shows 0.38 and installing SQL::ReservedWords always tries to use Module::Build 0.38. Thank you for your help. SQL.txt
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