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  1. I also got my account on johnny deleted, but, after recreating it on stevie I got the mail: Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Sorry, a DNS entry for xxxxxx.heliohost.org already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the dns cluster) Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again. If this johnny thing don't work why don't you just format the whole thing and let the people restart from scratch ? If this was done the first day now all the people have resolved their issues. how do I delete the dns entry for my host ?
  2. sorry, the account is bluepup thank you
  3. Please delete my account bluefox thank you
  4. I'm trying to connect at my site cpanel at http://bluefox.heliohost.org/cpanel but cannot login (Internal Server Error), also cannot login on ftp. This is weird since the site works ! thanks !
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