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  1. Hmm, I think I have figured it out. In the Cpanel I found the DNS advanced zone editor, the numbers are different than the ones I have on my domain registered free at nl.eu.org so looks like I just have to change them, I can add as many as I like so I will get cracking! Thankyou Krydos nl.eu.org is all in Dutch and they no longer are showing me the nameservers, strange because I thought it was originally set it up that way, years ago. I will use the Ip numbers. Yes now it works! Thank you and happy holidays to all.
  2. Thanks for your concern Wolstech, FTP is still not working but the cpanel file manager works fine. The fact is that even though I successfully uploaded a work in progress page from the Site Publisher when I visit my webpage from Firefox or Seamonkey it just hangs on connecting for a while and never loads, I guess thats why FTP is timing out and gives me network unreachable. The domain DNS data is that worked with Stevie, should I change it for Tommy I wonder. It is a IPv4 A record type of registration.
  3. Setting up websites is a popular night time activity all over the world then. The new Cpanel looks great, my ftp client is not connecting yet so I am not sure but on first impressions it looks like there is 1000mb's of free space on my brand new Tommy account, I had to make do with only 500mb's before on Stevie. Heliohost is certainly the most amazing free web host.
  4. Ok. Sounds good, I checked it out yesterday and Johnny was available at 1.00am local time, in southern Europe its gmt+1. Our username is: manuarte And the domain is http://firemachine.nl.eu.org Thanks for everything, I look forward to donating. Let Stevie return soon, was a good solid server.
  5. Hi, firstly thank you for your service for me it has been a precious tool for learning about website creation, in the 5 years that I have used Heliohost it has been a brief weekly task for me to visit your website and click on whatever publicity is available. That has made sure that some funds are coming in to help pay for the service over the years. I have read here on the forums that Stevie may be down till january or febuary. I actively use my website for hosting some videos I use on other website through links so I have followed the steps for transfer to another domain as shown here: http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account Since my site is on Stevie I imagine it is impossible to delete for the same reason that I can not log in to the cpanel. I have a local backup of the website data, but help migrating to Tommy is needed, or at least help deleteing my account so I can start another with the same name servers.
  6. I was looking for a little helio host banner for the visual links at our links page on: http://firemachine.tk The size could be width 234px per height 60px with a red background and black design might fit. I will keep looking for another a suitable banner on the heliohost.org but your idea sounds (and looks) like more fun. Enjoy! I will check for delopements later. atomic@atomicbob.tk
  7. Emanuarte

    Co.cc Offline

    Thank you for this information. Looking forward to changing to a new domain works out, this kind of thing helps us keep on our toes. .co.cc did offer to sell extra domains just before vanishing, they must have taken the money and run and as they are based in South Korea they are untraceable, thats a nicely executed bit of cyber crime for you. An interesting venture would be to get the rights to set up this domain again; someone must have the rights for sale. Sooner or later it will work out.
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