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Everything posted by paulbird

  1. a. mnc b. Stevie c. greenhithe.org.uk I don't understand why this account has been suspended. It contains nothing contentious, is low bandwidth and has less than half of the 500Mb allowance. Regards PB
  2. paulbird


    Hi there, Mailman does not appear to be working properly, I cannot post messages to it, nor can I create a new mailling list to run tests, would you please be so kind as to check its functionality, thanks. PB
  3. Hi, I've tried to use PHPAdmin in the cPanel but it's giving an error Quote Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly Unquote I'm wondering if it's related to any of the figures below, some of the disks seem rather full. mysql (5.1.56-log) up exim (exim-4.69-30_cpanel_maildir) up syslogd up cpsrvd up cpanellogd failed imap up queueprocd up named up postgresql up sshd up spamd up cpdavd up ftpd up Server Load 6.56 (4 cpus) Memory Used 61.2 % Swap Used 6.25 % Disk /dev/sdb3 (/home1) 64 % Disk /dev/sda6 (/tmp) 41 % Disk /dev/sda7 (/home) 43 % Disk /dev/sdb5 (/var/lib/pgsql) 11 % Disk /dev/sda8 (/var/lib/mysql) 34 % Disk /dev/sda9 (/var/cpanel) 28 % Disk /dev/sda1 (/) 99 % Disk /dev/sda2 (/var) 89 % Disk /dev/sda3 (/usr) 100 % Thanks for any help you can give. PB
  4. Hi, I just wonder if you can advise please whether a Fluid Dynamics AXS installation script ought to be working on Stevie and if I have got the configuration wrong. My ftp credentials work fine using Filezilla, connect immediately and yet using the same credentials with the Fluid Dynamics site just won't run. I'm using the http://www.greenhithe.org.uk address and ftp.greenhithe.org.uk for the ftp address and on the rare occasions it does connect it can't find the correct path. Should I do a manual installation? Thanks PB
  5. That's really kind of you, thank you for sorting out my silly mistake. No, the username is fine as paulbird, that can stay, I just wanted to avoid the configuration changes for the dbases and I appreciate your help, thanks. PB
  6. I opened an account today with a registered domain name and username as my own name and then realised that all the databases would need resetting owing to the different username from previous hosting. I am sorry for the trouble but would it be possible please to change the username from paulbird to mnc, for reference the account is on Stevie and the domain is greenhithe.org.uk Thanks PB
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