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Everything posted by rahul758

  1. Please reply any of the admin
  2. I have tried but no luck to get out of that error, please unsuspend my account i need to check the error again this time surely it will be cleared You obviously didn't fix it an now you're suspended again. I have tried but no luck to get out of that error, please unsuspend my account i need to check the error again this time surely it will be cleared
  3. Please help me on fixing this error : I am using wordpress for my website it is generating /tmp file because of which my account is suspended... Thank you
  4. But i am not using MySQL at any such bad conditions so that it will be crashed up, even i was using MySql last time for one script that also i have removed... How is it possible to crash MySQL i am not understanding... Please help and reactivate my account.. and if problem is of filling /tmp file i do not know why this is happening i am trying my level best to avoid any conditions that can cause suspension... If possible tell me how fix this problem or do i need to re-install my full site..
  5. HH username : rahul758 Server : stevie domain : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk
  6. username : rahul758 server : stevie domain : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk
  7. I am really sorry for such kind failure.. But may i know how to avoid this errors
  8. Username: rahul758 server : Stevie domain : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk
  9. I am getting max users connection error again and again can you increase the number of max connections
  10. Sorry for that i was not knowing that please... Thank you so much for reactivating my account
  11. HelioHost username : rahul758 Server : stevie HelioHost main domain : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk
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