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Everything posted by rahul758

  1. okk let me have the backup and please tell me which files have caused this much load and as you said earlier I have deleted wp-cron.php
  2. HH username rahul758 server stevie domain ultimatesmsapi.tk please tell me which files are causing high server load as told bu krydos I have deleted wp-cron.php
  3. no Iam not able to log into my account as well as unable recover pass
  4. I am getting this error after my account unsuspension please help Password Reset Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department. Even all my database passwords are also changed my site is showing error "Error establishing a database connection"
  5. I am getting this error after my account unsuspension please help Password Reset Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department. Even all my database passwords are also changed my site is showing error "Error establishing a database connection"
  6. hh username : rahul758 Server : Stevie domain : ultimatesmsapi.tk I dont think my site is giving much load hardly few users are using my site.. please unsuspend
  7. Can you please tell me which files are causing load...
  8. hh username : rahul758 Server : Stevie domain : ultimatesmsapi.tk
  9. I am getting error 503 service temporarily unavailable error... also site is giving blank page on load, I am using wordpress
  10. I have updated my NS records to ns1.heliohost.org ans ns2.heliohost.org I have checked this change at registrar using various network tools on web and change is visible there but my hosting server is still not changed .. why this is happening.. My domain name : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk
  11. I have deleted my account using script and i want to register it again but i am getting this message We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later. Domain Deleted : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk How can I register ??
  12. I have added my account for deletion but it says it will take couple of weeks can you delete is as soon as possible
  13. I am unable to get into my account.. Can you please reset my account with all the things.. like as to be newly setup account.. I wish to reinstall my site with backup... Also I resuest to mail me new account setup details for the same domain name... Domain name is : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk Thanks and regards Rahul
  14. I am unable to get into my account.. Can you please reset my account with all the things.. like as to be newly setup account.. I wish to reinstall my site with backup... Also I resuest to mail me new account setup details for the same domain name... Domain name is : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk Thanks and regards Rahul
  15. I am unable to get into my account.. Can you please reset my account with all the things.. like as to be newly setup account.. I wish to reinstall my site with backup... Also I request to mail me new account setup details for the same domain My domain : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk Thanks and Regards Rahul Chaudhary
  16. unable to login
  17. Username : rahul758 server : stevie Domain : http://ultimatesmsapi.tk
  18. I have changed my NS records to heliohost but hosting is not yet transfered to heliohost...
  19. it is not even resetting..
  20. Krydos my password automatically resetting after sometime. What to do in this condition
  21. Please help me, My account was suspended to fill up tmp files, so i was reuploading the full website, but i am not getting access to phpmyadmin. what is the problem and how to get back access to phpmyadmin.
  22. Yes i will change my hosting but before that please unsuspend my account, because suspended account is making my site Down.. And i promise this time i will definitely clear the problem..
  23. Please reply waiting for response..
  24. Password Reset Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department. Please help
  25. kk Thank you But i am unable to login.. Even password is not recovering
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