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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Trying to upload an image and I'm getting the error "Error failed to write file to disk"
  2. Please delete this thread _POSTED NOW IN CUSTOMER SERVICE_
  3. I am getting this error from my blog An unexpected error has occurred! If this error persists, please report it to the administrator. Go back to home page Additional information about this error: MySQL error! Got error 28 from storage engine(Errno=1030) Your query: ItemListLight::query() SELECT DISTINCT post_ID, post_datestart, post_datemodified, post_title, post_url, post_excerpt, post_urltitle, post_canonical_slug_ID, post_tiny_slug_ID, post_main_cat_ID, post_ptyp_ID FROM evo_items__item INNER JOIN evo_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID INNER JOIN evo_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE ( cat_blog_ID = 1 ) AND (post_ptyp_ID IN (1000)) AND (post_datestart <= '2012-10-10 16:12') AND ( ( ( post_status = 'private' AND post_creator_user_ID = 1 ) OR post_status IN ('published','protected') ) ) ORDER BY post_datestart DESC, post_ID DESC LIMIT 20 I did research and it appears the host would have to fix it thats all I could find
  4. GLaDOS

    Johnny News

    Wow poor johnny Rip johnny ??? - 2012
  5. I am not good with mysql databases and I'm getting this error Additional information about this error: MySQL error! Got error 28 from storage engine(Errno=1030) Your query: ItemListLight::query() SELECT DISTINCT post_ID, post_datestart, post_datemodified, post_title, post_url, post_excerpt, post_urltitle, post_canonical_slug_ID, post_tiny_slug_ID, post_main_cat_ID, post_ptyp_ID FROM evo_items__item INNER JOIN evo_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID INNER JOIN evo_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE ( cat_blog_ID = 1 ) AND (post_ptyp_ID IN (1000)) AND (post_datestart <= '2012-10-10 13:09') AND ( ( ( post_status = 'private' AND post_creator_user_ID = 1 ) OR post_status IN ('published','protected') ) ) ORDER BY post_datestart DESC, post_ID DESC LIMIT 20 If anyone can please help I would really appericate it I get this error sometimes at http://www.firemaster1337.co.cc/Blog/
  6. Seems an as one person posted to have their account suspended today just a few moments ago the server load went heavily down
  7. I just looked at the server load image for stevie and it was at 29.82 whats going on? this is the current server load
  8. Please close this thread if you wont allow me to keep it closed
  9. I'm getting this from firefox The server at firemaster1337.co.cc is taking too long to respond. I am hosted on stevie. Update it is now allowing me to access the site I think I may have been accessing it a bit to fast and it blocked me because it thought it was a flood attack Mods please delete this thread or atleast let me keep it closed.
  10. I mean its been atleast a 1 day or so since the last update hows the fix coming?
  11. Hmm I suggest waiting for an admin to take over in worst case snario your website is gone.
  12. It doesn't appear to be suspended but its saying server not found When did you create the site?
  13. Site doesn't look suspended to me " Site off-line The site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding. If you are the maintainer of this site, please check your database settings in the settings.php file and ensure that your hosting provider's database server is running. For more help, see the handbook, or contact your hosting provider." Update sorry about that I read your post too fast
  14. Hi if you're like me you probably want a www. in front of your domain well heres how to do it First open up cpanel and go to the file manager Second look for the .htaccess in your public_html ThirdlyOpen it up using the edit opition Fourthly add this to it RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yoursite [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.yoursitename.yoursitedomain/$1 [L,R=301] Only change the yoursite, yoursitename and yoursitedomain do not change anything else otherwise it wont work fiftly save the file and reload your site. six your site should have a www. infront of it example: http://www.firemaster1337.co.cc and thats how you do it!
  15. k I was using the php script as an example I doubt I have any php scripts
  16. I did some research and came across this https://support.ookla.com/entries/21097566-what-is-crossdomain-xml-and-why-do-i-need-it So I modifed this <?xml version="1.0"?> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*.mycompany.com" /> <allow-access-from domain="*.speedtest.net" /> </cross-domain-policy> and changed it to <?xml version="1.0"?> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*.firemaster1337.co.cc" /> <allow-access-from domain="*.help.firemaster1337.co.cc" /> </cross-domain-policy> and now it works Problem was the site didn't want to allow the main site to access the swf so I had to add the crossdomain.xml file in the subdomain folder
  17. Lets say I install a php script that accidently causes high server load Is there a way I can find out this is happening before my account would get suspended?
  18. Tjoene I made some changes and I fixed it before your reply was made so yes its working now
  19. Ok heres the error I'm getting [sun Oct 07 06:27:56 2012] [error] [client (IP REMOVED)] File does not exist: /home1/fm1337/public_html/help/404.shtml, referer: firemaster1337.co.cc/help/status.swf now if you go to firemaster1337.co.cc/help/status.swf you will see it actually works now for me to be able to actually load the site I have to make it help.firemaster1337.co.cc/status.swf how can I fix this? Hang on another error File does not exist: /home1/fm1337/public_html/help/crossdomain.xml This is the code its trying to load http://pastebin.com/P6BPFF9x After what seemed 20 minuetes banging my head against my keyboard I finally fixed it.
  20. Above I don't agree I can be logged into cpanel on my website and viewing the files for my site with out getting a 500 internal server error
  21. Well you know how google blacklists co.cc domains but allows legit co.cc domains to come up in searches? Well today I discovered googling firemaster1337.co.cc will bring up my site as the first item!
  22. Mercei/Thank you Krydos
  23. what was the system file?
  24. Am I allowed to have subdomains on heliohost? Such as fire.firemaster1337.co.cc
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