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Everything posted by Diggsey

  1. I had the hat but it got caught in a nuclear explosion and killed the kittens... And then landed on Wizard's head.
  2. Also, search 'failure' and click 'I'm feeling lucky' (or 'I'm feewing wucky' if you want )
  3. The egg, obviously. Dinosaurs laid eggs, and I think it's quite obvious that dinosaurs were before chickens... So, there were eggs before chickens
  4. I made a (VERY VERY VERY) basic OS. All it did was go into 32 bit protected mode and then print some things in different colours, and get input No offense, but that very statement shows you have a lot to learn about OS developement, and I'm not sure you will have learnt it all by '1st year college'. Even if you do, you probably won't actually make one because you'll know how much work it is! Also, 'MICROSOFT' isn't an OS
  5. Well, I used to look at it I learnt to program on VBA
  6. a large orange hairy
  7. I like Dr.Who, but I never remember to watch it
  8. Diggsey

    Funding Poll

    You could put a 'Adsense for search' ad in.
  9. I noticed there is a quiz button at the bottom of the store page. It doesn't seem to work at the moment (gives a database error). Is it supposed to?
  10. Erm, is that good or bad
  11. which was full of
  12. But you're not learning anything that way. Actually, you are, because it generates the code for you, so you can then see how to do things in code without it. It teaches you how to create controls, it teaches you about constructors, how to set properties, how to use 'handles' to add event handlers, etc.
  13. I'm Diggory Blake, I'm 15 and I love programming Don't be misled by my age I program in C++, C# (.net), VB (.net), DarkBasic Pro, PHP, javascript, and a very small bit of ASM, and a bit of java.
  14. Haha, I'm only 15 :P

  15. I rated all three, but the other two are waiting approval. Here's one anyway: Review 1 edit: Here's the other two anyway: Review 2 Review 3
  16. Between those languages I would agree that BASIC is the best to start with, but have you considered scripting languages? Those generally are easier even than BASIC. I have, but actually when you think about it, you can do a lot of things in VB.net without even touching the keyboard (thanks to the form designer with which you can set properties and create events by clicking!). Also, VB.net has the best IDE I know of (VS). As well as that, scripting languages often use some odd syntax which can be confusing. (Btw, when I mentioned those languages, they're not the only ones I know, just the ones that seemed relevent )
  17. I plan on never dying. It's working so far...
  18. @JcX In your example, X can NEVER be less than Y. The only way to generate antimatter is to do the opposite of what you do when you combine matter and antimatter. eg. EQUAL AND OPPOSITE. Even if absolutely no energy is wasted in the process (also impossible) you will gain nothing overall! The only reason other power sources work is because the substances are already present to begin with (oil, uranium, etc.). The whole point is that they are not converted back again.
  19. Where are you thinking of 'getting' this antimatter? Antimatter is generated by splitting energy into matter and antimatter. The exact same amount of energy is released by combining them again as was used to begin with (except that some will not be given off as heat or sound that is not useful). If we managed to find a nearby lump of antimatter in space, then it would be relatively simple to combine it with some matter and use the heat to boil water or some other substance. The problem then is how to get the energy from space to earth. (There is currently no way to efficiently store energy). All that is theoretical, as there is no antimatter anywhere near earth in space, so it won't work. The future method for generating energy will be one of these: Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Solar power plants (NOT using solar panels. Look up Solar 1 and Solar 2 on wikipedia to see what I mean) Some new method nobody knows about yet
  20. I know both BASIC, VB.net, C++ and C++.net, and if you are an absolute beginner, VB.net is the best thing to use. When you get used to programming, and need to write things for speed or for other platforms, then you should learn C++. (Most people who have never programmed before will just be completely deterred by seeing a piece of C++ code, where a piece of BASIC code is more likely to make them keep wanting to learn. Although .net is slow and platform dependant, when you are still learning or when speed isn't an issue, it takes away all the tediousness of programming. Basically, what I'm saying is that different languages have different purposes. Saying one is useless just shows that you haven't learnt to use it properly.
  21. The most fun programming language is DarkBasic or DarkBasic Pro. I know many programming languages, and can safely say that they are the most fun. (For a start, you can create a 3d cube in one line)
  22. I think he meant to try your site again...
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