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Everything posted by wal

  1. Byron, thanks for unarchiving my website. I updated my website successfully in cPanel but cannot access my website. My web address is http://www.wal.heliohost.org/ElizabethReedShowdown/index.php Can you please tell me what the issue might be? Thank you kindly Wally
  2. Thank you Byron. Appreciate the speedy reply. Wally
  3. Hi Admin. Please unarchive my account. Username is "wal" name of website is: "The Elizabeth Reed Showdown". Thank you admin Wally
  4. Ok Byron, appreciate the help.
  5. Please unarchive my account. Username 'wal' My email: wallylepore@gmail.com Thank you kindly
  6. Thank you Byron! Appreciate the speedy help and reply!
  7. Hi Support, Please unarchive my account. My username is "wal". I forgot to log into cpanel last month. Thank you.
  8. Can I obtain a real domain name through heliohost.org? Thank you for your time
  9. Hi Support, Simply trying to post my Heliohost website on my Facebook news feed but a message pops-up saying, You can't share this linkheliohost.org Your post couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community StandardsIf you think this doesn't go against our Community Standards let us know.Any idea why i'm receiving this message please? Always posted it successfully before. The website is simply a musicians website. my username is "wal" website url is: http://www.wal.heliohost.org/ElizabethReedShowdown/index.php Thank you for your time and help
  10. Thank you Krydos. Appreciate the help!
  11. Ooops, here is my email address: wallylepore@gmail.com
  12. Hi Support, Please unarchive my account so I can please reactivate it. I have not been available due to an illness. My account name is 'wal' and my web address url is: http://www.wal.heliohost.org/ ElizabethReedShowdown/index.php Thank you kindly for your time and efforts
  13. I uploaded the xxx.tar.gz file once again (to restore my home directory) but this time I utilized Chrome instead of Firefox. When I clicked upload in cpanel --> Backup --> Restore a Home Directory Backup, I noticed in Chrome that there was a percentage count down (progress bar) in the bottom left of the window that said, "uploading x%". When the upload completed 100%, it then said (bottom left of window) "Sending request to Tommy.heliohost.org". When the connection was made, all my files appeared on the Heliohost screen which was titled "Backup" and underneath it said,"restoring files". This appearance would lead one to believe that the files are currently being restored when in fact it looks as if the procedure was completed. Even at this point there was no message that said "Complete". In fact, although all my files are in my public_html, I am curious if this step was even necessary as I initially requested that my original domain from Stevie be released which Heliohost kindly completed and if -in fact- this request simply moved all my files automatically to my public_html? Just sayin'. Either way I'm up and running again! Thank you Heliohost for your kind support. OS: Win7 pro
  14. Question please, it "appears" that all my files uploaded to my public_html despite a locked-up screen during the process. I'm not 100% positive all files uploaded because my public_html is rather large and would take forever top verify each file uploaded. If I run the upload file (xxx.tar.gz) again, will it overwrite all existing files on my public_html or will it create duplicates? Thank you
  15. What do you suggest please? The upload screen is still sitting there doing nothing. Is there suppose to be a progress bar or something to indicate that the upload was complete or failed? What do you suggest I do now please? I have no idea if the upload was successful. Should I close the screen and start over? Thank you kindly Just went to my file manager in cpanel and from what I can briefly see, it looks like all my files uploaded ok. Just curious why the upload screen never gave me a "Finished" or "Complete" message. I'll go through all my files tomorrow and make sure they all uploaded. Is it possible to run the upload file again (xxx.tar.gz) to be 100% sure? Or will it create duplicates of everything? Thank you.
  16. Ok, I created a new account and used my old/original domain name. Good so far... this is where I hope I proceeded correctly ... I went to cpanel and uploaded the xxx.tar.gz (back-up file) to my cpanel (under: BACKUP --> RESTORE A HOME DIRECTORY BACKUP) and a screen is now showing that hasn't moved in over an hour. The screen simply says, " restoring files" but I don't see any activity or a progress bar. The screen lists all the individual files thus I assume it automatically unzipped the xxx.tar.gz file upon upload. Am I to assume that this current screen is restoring my files (automatically) to my public_html folder? The xxx.tar.gz file is 155MB. Thanks
  17. Hi Support, I Donated and received a link to create a new account on Tommy but I am confused about the next procedure. I want to re-activate my existing web page that was on the Stevie server. I requested my backed-up account from the Stevie server and downloaded it. Thank you. How do I go about re-activating my old account or setting up a new account with this 155MB xxx.tar.gz file I downloaded? I'd rather not re-build my web page from scratch via a brand new account but would rather use my back-up file to create the new account. I already requested that my username and domain be freed from the Stevie server which was granted. Thank you. account: education.heliohost.org If I can use the downloaded back-up file to create my new account on Tommy, do I have to use my old username that was assigned to it or can I create a new one? Thank you
  18. Hi Support, Thank you support. Two questions please. >>>We ask that you give what you believe our service is worth to you The minimum is $1 for a Tommy invite since that's what's required for us to actually get anything (below this, Paypal takes it all in fees). 1) Ok, if I would like to donate, where do I accomplish this and how does my donation open a window that allows me to sign up a new account please? >>>The invite takes up to 24 hours to come, and works any time once you get it, even when the server is full for the day. 2) How will I receive an invitation to sign up? Via my email? Thank you kindly 2)
  19. Ok, two questions please, >>>Registration opens at midnight UTC and fills in a few seconds (the signups filled for the day in 6 seconds last night). 1) how do I sign up in less than 6 seconds please? >>>Alternately, you can donate and get an invite that works even if the server is full for the day. 2) what is the recommended donation amount? Thank you kindly
  20. Hi Support My account education.heliohost.org was freed up by you thus allowing me to move it to the new server. Please help me to accomplish this. I already validated my email address to build a new account but would like to utilize my original account (education.heliohost.org). thank you kindly
  21. As per your instructions, please re-activate my account so I can move it to the recommended server. Username: wally2 Server: Stevie Domain: education.heliohost.org Thank you kindly Wally
  22. Hi Administrator, I have website on the Johnny server. I assume the Johnny server is permanently closed. Can you please re-initialize this account and move it to the Stevie server if possible please. Username: wal (all lowercase) Server: Johnny HelioHost main domain: electricwally.heliohost.org Thank you very much Wally
  23. Thank you Krydos. Be well. wally
  24. Hi Administrator, Can you please re-initialize my account please. username: wally2 (all lowercase) server: Stevie HelioHost main domain: education.heliohost.org Thank you very much Wally
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