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Everything posted by phantom666

  1. Hi, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Further to your last post, I can confirm that I am able to access my databases via phpmyadmin. The change you recommended (replacing "localhost" with "") does appear to work. Quick question: does this mean that from now on the use of "localhost" in all php scripts should be replaced with "", or is this just a temporary solution? Thanks in advance. D
  2. Username: demon666 Domain: phantomtest.heliohost.org Server: johnny Hi, I've just logged into my account following the recent upgrade, and I am no longer able to connect to any of my existing MySQL databases via the web. The affected databases are: demon666_demo2 demon666_myDB demon666_myasset demon666_northwind demon666_sakila demon666_sakila2 demon666_testdb demon666_wishlist demon666_wpdb demon666_wpdb2 Please can anyone assist? Thanks in advance. D
  3. Hi All, I would like to thank everyone's help, this issue appears to have been resolved and I am now able to access my MySQL databases from the web pages. I would also like to add that, further to the recommendations in earlier posts, in order to get everything working as before, I had to delete and re-create the database users first. Thanks everyone. D
  4. Hi, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. With regards to the problem I have described, as far as I can tell, it appears to be affecting all of my databases. The names of my databases are: demon666_demo2 demon666_sakila demon666_sakila2 demon666_testdb demon666_wishlist demon666_wpdb demon666_wpdb2 Let me know if you require any additional information. Thanks in advance. D
  5. Username: demon666 Domain: phantomtest.heliohost.org Server: johnny Hi, I've just logged into my account after a couple of weeks, and I am no longer able to connect to any of my existing MySQL databases. Please can anyone assist? Thanks in advance. D.
  6. Thanks to all as issue with mail has now been resolved. Cheers. D
  7. domain: www.phantomtest.co.cc email: phantom@phantomtest.co.cc server: johnny Hi all, When I log into my email account via the cpanel, and then use the default webmail application, Horde, I find I am unable to access any of the functionality within the application, instead I am presented with a series of messages informing me that my user is not authorised for that feature (eg not authorised for mail or calender, etc). As a result, I am not able to send, receive, or even read any of my previous emails. Any assistance to help me solve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. D
  8. A big thank you to all those who have assisted as I am now able to log into my account using my original password. This issue has now been resolved.
  9. I am no longer able to log into Cpanel with my usual username and password. And, as detailed in my original post, I am unable to reset my password. Can you assist please? Thanks in advance. phantom
  10. username: phantom domain: phantomtest@co.cc server: johnny Hi, When I attempted to access my site this morning I was presented with a page stating that my account had been suspended as I had failed to log into Cpanel in the last 30 days. So, I then proceeded to follow instructions to renew my account. However, when I attempted to log into Cpanel I got an error message stating invalid details. I then decided to do a password reset, and when I checked my external email account there was an email from heliohost with password reset instructions. However, when I attempted to complete the password reset by copying the confirmation code received in the email, or following one of the links, nothing seemed to happen. I then attempted to carry out another password reset and the scenario was repeated. But now if I attempt to carry out a password reset, I do not even receive an email with any instructions. Please could someone help me regain access to my account again? Thanks in advance. phantom
  11. Hi Byron, Thank you for your continued efforts. I have followed your advice, carefully typing (double-checking) the password you sent me, unfortunately I still get the response of invalid login. I tried clearing out my cache, deleting temporary internet files, switching browsers, but I still get the same invalid login. But if you say it works for you, then I'm not sure what else can be done. Thanks anyway. D Hi Byron, Further to my previous post, just thought I'd let you know, I have finally managed to regain access to my account again. For some strange reason, re-setting my internet router, and then attempting to log in worked. Thank you for your efforts.
  12. Byron, Thank you for your reply. I received the email with the new password, however, when I attempt to log into cpanel, I still get an error message stating my login is invalid. Is there anything else you can do to assist? Thanks in advance. D. BTW: I forgot to mention in my original post that I am trying to log onto johnny.
  13. Username: demon666 Domain: phantomtest.heliohost.org Hi, I recently created a new account on heliohost, and until today it was working fine. I am still able to access my site, but I am no longer able to log into my cpanel. I decided to reset my password and received an email to my external account with details of a new password. However, I am still unable to log in with this new password. Please can you assist? Thanks in adcance. D.
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