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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Byron

    Account Reset

    This will tell you when registrations reset: http://bybyron.net/helio/sign-up.php
  2. Byron

    Account Reset

    Yes and you should be able to create it now.
  3. Byron

    Account Reset

    You can re-create the folders yourself at your cPanel "Home" directory. .htpasswds - 750 mail - 751 public_ftp - 755 tmp - 755 www - 777 The www should create ok as symlink pointing to public_html. Just check it to make sure. If it doesn't post back. I just did some checking and some folders will need to be chowned like the mail folder and I'm not exactly sure if www folder gets created exactly like it was before. I think you'd be better off deleting the account and starting all over.
  4. Reason for being blocked: # DOS 51 connections - Thu Sep 8 09:10:29 2016 You should be ok now.
  5. Ok it's set to 50 now.
  6. @Krydos - Is there a reason why we can't raise this to 50?
  7. It should be fixed now.
  8. Should be back up now.
  9. Please clear your cache.
  10. You can delete your old account here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete
  11. Your site is unsuspended. Go ahead and clean it up. I renamed /home1/sahdes/public_html/wp-content/aa.php to /home1/sahdes/public_html/wp-content/aa.txt just in case.
  12. Do like Piotr GRD said. That's all that's wrong with your account.
  13. Please check your email for the new password.
  14. Please clear your cache.
  15. Seems Johnny's monitor needs to be fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
  16. Ok try it now. If your still seeing then suspended page, clear your cache.
  17. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. According to your home page, your site was hacked. I can reset your password if you need me to.
  18. I'll let Krydos handle this since he knows more about him than I do.
  19. I'm seeing that domain on another account that's not http://samsazan.com/ How many accounts do you have on Stevie?
  20. I'm not seeing an htaccess file for that account. Just create a new one.
  21. What's your username?
  22. On the x3 theme you'd find it at the bottom of the page.
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