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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Remove this line here from your htaccess: Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes btw, it wasn't just affecting your php files, it was affecting your whole site.
  2. Dedicated IP's will cost you $12 dollars a year. Do you still want a dedicated IP?
  3. This issue has been resolved. @admin. This has happened on Stevie in the past. The problem is that somebody created an account named gmail.com on Johnny. Once the account was deleted the emails go through to gmail again.
  4. What is the username and domain name you are trying to signup with?
  5. With a parked domain, you can still access your site via the heliohost subdomain also. There's nothing you need to change on your sub-domains. The parked domain will work for those too. EDIT: I take that back. I think you do need to add the parked domain to the subdomain at your cpanel under Subdomains.
  6. You could change your main domain but I would recommend just adding it as a Parked Domain. Nobody will ever know the difference. And yes you still point it to our nameservers.
  7. I can't say what your problem is, but this email form works fine on our servers: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/helio/email_form.php Text version: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/helio/email_form.txt
  8. Like this and it's a good idea to send a content type header: $headers = "From: $name <$email>\n"; $headers .= "Reply-to: $name2 <$email2>\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
  9. We're aware of this problem and in the process of correcting it, although it may take a few days to a week.
  10. Wave an image with just a few lines of code using the Imagick Class (only on Stevie). This is the original image: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/imagick/landscape.jpeg Here is the waved image: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/imagick/wave.php Here's the code. You can use any color for the backgroundcolor. If you want the background to be transparent (like my example) you'll need to set the format to gif or png. <?php $image = new imagick("landscape.jpeg"); $image->setimagebackgroundcolor("transparent"); $image->waveImage(20, 240); $image->setImageFormat('png'); # uncomment line below to write image to directory # $image->writeimage("landscape_wav.png"); header("Content-Type: image/png"); echo $image; ?> You can play around with the amplitude and length, this line: $image->waveImage(20, 240); to get different wave patterns.
  11. Ok djbob knows and he said he would take a look at it, BUT this is a very busy week for him. So if it's not an easy fix or he can't determine the problem right off, it may be a few more days.
  12. Ok it seems he's forgotten about it. I'm going to go ahead and email him with a link to the Escalated thread.
  13. What I was talking about is that when I go to the WHM on Stevie and then down to the DNS Functions to Edit DNS Zone, his domain doesn't come up. Maybe that doesn't matter? Anyway I'm not where I can do the fix you posted. Can another admin. take care of this?
  14. @mhea: I was actually addressing the other admin. I was thinking that maybe they had already talked to him or emailed him.
  15. Ok I've deleted the account on Johnny but we've still got a problem. @admin.: When I go to check for zone records at the WHM for this domain: hprobotics.co.cc I'm not seeing that domain come up. How do we fix this?
  16. @xaav: Is djbob aware of this issue? If not maybe we should make him aware of it.
  17. It's because you have an account on Johnny that is showing as suspended with the exact same domain name. Would you like me to delete the account on Johnny?
  18. Ok I've unsuspended your account. Let this be a warning though.
  19. You can change your main domain if you like but you might want to think about using a Parked Domain instead. http://wiki.helionet.org/Changing_your_main_domain
  20. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  21. Sorry but it looks like your site has been completely deleted.
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