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Everything posted by juris

  1. Hi! My site has been suspended but I dont know why. Can you help me to correct that so I can put it online ? My email us jurisconsult.mg@gmail.com or rijarakoto@gmail.com Thank you!
  2. thank you all, everything is awesome.
  3. thank you, i've just installed spam assassin. how can i make subdomain.example.com become subdomain.com in the address bar?
  4. everything is perfect. thanks for the 1 go disk usage and the great job you all are doing i would like to add a new domain name for a subdirectory. i dont remember how i did it last time, but i would like to do that without having to create a subdomain name. would that be possible? is it also possible to add an antispam robot or app? thank you!
  5. Hi, i guess it's time to move from stevie to tommy. my username on stevie is XXXXXXX and the email is XXXXXXX@XXXXXXX.com. can you please delete those so i can use the same username and url on tommy? Paypal Transaction ID is 0XG73747ED2956456 thank you!
  6. Yes. We encourage you to. Let us know if you need any help. ok, thank you. stevie was very reliable, i dont want to change yet and hope you'll work it out. can i use the same email for creation on tommy?
  7. can we create a new account on the other servers?
  8. It worked fine! Thanks for the support and the services once again!
  9. Hi everyone, I write the current post to be sure that I am doing things right I am creating an other website with the same account on stevie, as instructed months before. I have a new domain name that is supposed to be redirected to a folder in /public_html/new_site which will contain the second website. I went to "addon Domain" to do so. I am hoping that mynewdomain.com will direct automatically to the index.html of /public_html/new_site Is there anything else that has to be done or can I upload the new site already? Thanks!
  10. ok! thanks for the help and the good job!
  11. thank you ! do I get 500 mb more for the second website?
  12. Hi everyone! I intend to create a second website. 1. I would like to know if it would be possible to request a second account. 2. If not, can I use the same account to host an other website using a totally different domain name? The second website will be under wordpress. I will probably run the first website under wordpress also later. Thanks for the great job you all are doing!
  13. I guess the title said it all... Thank you all once again for the great service you give us for free. I would be very glad to click on more ads when I'm logged in c-panel. Best Regards, ps: i'm on stevie
  14. Hi! Few days ago, I was suspended because I forgot to sign-in on heliohost.org for more than 30 days. I renewed my account and it's working fine now. I would like to know if, to access the C-Panel within 30 days, I have to sign-in on www.heliohost.org or if I can sign-in on stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.phpcp to avoid suspension. The reason is I'm too lazy to scroll and type username/password each time I sign-in on www.heliohost.org, as on the other page, blanks are automatically filled... Thank you all once again, you're doing a great job!
  15. thank you!
  16. hi everyone, i have a site (coded in html) on stevie and i would like to create an other one in php. i do not know if it is possible on stevie. if not, what should i do to create a new one on an other server? thanks for your help.
  17. hi bugboy, thx for helping. i would rather use stevie.heliohost.org as smtp because it is ssl. regards,
  18. hi! i saw you renewed a certificate, but it is not working yet. looks like the s/mime certificate is still the problem. is there a way i can be of any help? thx. -- 8< --- 18/09/2012, 21:54:09: SEND - Connexion au serveur SMTP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 465 18/09/2012, 21:54:10: SEND - Initialisation de la négotiation TLS >18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Certificat N°S: B09DC9CA, algorithme : RSA (2048 bits), délivré du 15/09/2012 17:09:06 au 15/09/2013 17:09:06, pour 1 domaine(s): stevie.heliohost.org. >18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Propriétaire : US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org. >18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Racine: US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org !18/09/2012, 21:54:11: SEND - Échec de la négotiation TLS. Le certificat du serveur est invalide (Ce certificat S/MIME a expiré).
  19. thanks for your answer. it did not work either. i've been using the same config for The Bat for many months without any problem. would you please kindly check if the server' s/mime certificate has expired?
  20. I cant use TheBat on smtp.domainename.com on port 25 either. No problem sending mails with roundcube. It's the first time i have such kind of problem with smtp. thx!
  21. hi everybody, since yesterday, i could not send e-mail using TheBat. I can receive emails without any problem. I am on stevie. It looks like there is an issue with the S/MIME certificate. the log says it has expired. here is the log (sorry it's in french): 07/09/2012, 12:37:36: IMAP - Connexion au serveur IMAP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 143 07/09/2012, 12:37:36: IMAP - Connecté au serveur IMAP (stevie.heliohost.org) >07/09/2012, 12:37:41: IMAP - Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2011 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for distribution information. 07/09/2012, 12:37:42: IMAP - Authentification (utilisateur: "contact+*********.***", méthode: "LOGIN")... 07/09/2012, 12:37:42: IMAP - Authentification du serveur IMAP réussie, le serveur dit "LOGIN Ok." 07/09/2012, 12:37:57: SEND - Envoi des messages - 1 message(s) en file d'attente 07/09/2012, 12:37:57: SEND - Connexion au serveur SMTP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 465 07/09/2012, 12:37:58: SEND - Initialisation de la négotiation TLS >07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Certificat N°S: 017026CFD5, algorithme : RSA (2048 bits), délivré du 06/09/2011 04:31:43 au 05/09/2012 04:31:43, pour 1 domaine(s): stevie.heliohost.org. >07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Propriétaire : US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org. >07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Ce certificat est auto-émis (le Propriétaire est aussi l'Émetteur du certificat) !07/09/2012, 12:37:59: SEND - Échec de la négotiation TLS. Le certificat du serveur est invalide (Ce certificat S/MIME a expiré). 07/09/2012, 12:47:35: SEND - Envoi des messages - 1 message(s) en file d'attente 07/09/2012, 12:47:35: SEND - Connexion au serveur SMTP "stevie.heliohost.org" sur le port 465 07/09/2012, 12:47:37: SEND - Initialisation de la négotiation TLS >07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Certificat N°S: 017026CFD5, algorithme : RSA (2048 bits), délivré du 06/09/2011 04:31:43 au 05/09/2012 04:31:43, pour 1 domaine(s): stevie.heliohost.org. >07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Propriétaire : US, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, stevie.heliohost.org, ssl@stevie.heliohost.org. >07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Ce certificat est auto-émis (le Propriétaire est aussi l'Émetteur du certificat) !07/09/2012, 12:47:39: SEND - Échec de la négotiation TLS. Le certificat du serveur est invalide (Ce certificat S/MIME a expiré). 07/09/2012, 13:17:37: IMAP - Déconnecté Thanks!
  22. hi, i'd like to change my domain from mydomain.heliohost.org to mynewdomain.heliohost.org. i tryied to use the domain change script (http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain) but it looks like it doesnt work as i did it three days ago, but there is no result so far. can anyone give me a hand? how can i do that? or do i have to create a new account? thank you.
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