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Everything posted by meriadoc

  1. are extra super absorbant.
  2. to prevent your bottom
  3. Getting us back in sync with the post number, 1261...1262 Reviewing the posts shows we had two with 1238. Perhaps we should have made it to 100 since going up to 10000 seems difficult for some
  4. Another board game I thought of that would make my top 5 list is called Acquire. I haven't played it in quite a few years, but want to add it to my stock of games. Here is a short description for those not familiar with it. Description As a powerful real estate tycoon, there are only seven hotel chains in the world worthy of your attention. Using nothing but your wealth and wits, you must vie against other business magnates to manipulate construction and capitalize on mergers -- buying, trading, and selling stocks in order to get the greatest return on your investments. Acquire challenges you to pit your resources- resolve against other players in this high-finance game of speculation and strategy!
  5. You're going by the old adage, what we call a rose would still be a rose by any other name. This is true, but I can't agree that not learning that a rose is classified as a plant rather than a tree is not important. The same can be said about a planet versus a dwarf planet or plutoid. I did a little surfing today and discovered several articles on the web that may interest some of you. Plutoid Chosen as Name for Solar System Objects Like PlutoWhat is a Planet?Pluto and the Developing Lanscape of Our Solar SystemI thought these were pretty revealing about the pluto like objects in our solar system. The first article includes some cool pictures of Pluto and Eris with their moons. The second gives a little background on the discussions about pluto leading up to now. It also talks about how teachers should handle the question of how many planets are in our solar system. The last talks about the intial discovery of pluto and how things have changed in recent years. We definitely have 8 classical planets in our solar system. As for the rest, I think I'll let the experts decide.
  6. By JOVE I believe I should cry foul here, jave is an acronym not a word.
  7. This just proves that
  8. who use hot sauce
  9. on the crashing surf
  10. This topic inspired me to find out more about antimatter. I used google to find a CERN site called Antimatter:Mirror of the Universe that may interest a few of you. I have plenty more to read and learn, but did find one statement appropriate for this discussion... So it appears we are a ways off from making it a future energy source.
  11. This is much harder than the four letter one. The st combination at the front really limits things. staid
  12. Good idea to mention the optional inclusion of a port value. From my understanding it is only necessary if the default port (3306) is not used and the mysql.default_host directive is undefined. Here is an excerpt from the PHP: mysql_connect - Manual.
  13. sailing a large coconut
  14. My favorite has to be RISK. Must be something about conquering the world that makes it appealing to me. There is strategy involved as well as luck when it comes to rolling the dice. I've also played RISK 2210 A.D. It has some of the features of classic RISK, but adds a lot more variables making it more difficult. The strategy for winning 2210 has eluded me thus far, but I'm getting better.
  15. Based on your statement/question it sounds like you have set up a user on the MySQL server and that user has permission to make a connection from your web server. Once the user is in place, three things are needed to make the connection to your MySQL server. A hostname, username and password. When using php it will look something like this... $dbhost = 'NameorIPofMySQLhost'; $dbuser = 'papasmurf'; $dbpass = 'lalalalalalaa'; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); If the web server and MySQL server are one in the same you can use 'localhost' as your $dbhost.
  16. his long plaid pants.
  17. Why wouldn't you trust wikihow? It's not that I have heard of this site up until today, but it is on the internet just as any thing else that would come up by performing a search with google. Perhaps that is how jjpriest found it in the first place. It also fixed his problem for which I am sure he is quite happy about. As an example, I ran into a BIOS problem on one of my computers long ago. It would always stop booting at the same spot. I searched the hardware site and BIOS manufacturer site and came up with blanks. Then I googled and found a message on an unknown forum/newsgroup with a rather unorthodox solution. Turned out it worked and I was able to suggest it to another person down the road. My point is that people should not believe everything they read on the internet, but still keep an open mind.
  18. As far as tools, I have heard good things about Dreamweaver, but have not yet had the chance to use it because of the price tag. I've looked at a few open source tools and found that Seamonkey includes a Composer to build websites. It is based on the Composer included with the old Netscape browser. It probably doesn't have all the bells and whistles included with Dreamweaver, but will get you started. Don't bother with Nvu or Kompozer, there hasn't been any updates or support for either of those products in quite some time. For whatever it is worth here is my opinion. If you are just starting out, begin by learning HTML and CSS. It really is key for any website. Then you can get into dynamic pages and use a language like php. I've also found it handy to know client side scripting. I prefer to use javascript for client side scripting since just about every browser I've come across supports it. Seems like the shoutbox question has been answered. For forums, I would just google and decide based on the features the product supports or you desire in a forum. We also don't know what platform you are developing on. The answer to that will make a difference in what is suggested.
  19. CARE was already used in a previous post. I've found it a good idea to search the topic before posting. Going back to HARE. HIRE
  20. I think you have something here only your missing the primordial ooze. A reptile laid an egg and it happen to be in a steaming pool of primordial ooze. When the egg hatched out popped a chicken instead of a reptile. Then it laid another egg before getting hit by a semi truck while crossing the road. Of course, I'm not quite sure where the rooster comes in all of this.
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