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Everything posted by meriadoc

  1. Forced me to use the dictionary for this one. pard - a leopard or panther It's also a short form of pardener or partner. Looks like I learned something new today.
  2. Here are a few humorous quotes in honor of George Carlin. Humorous Quotes of George Carlin I liked them all, but I thought this was one of the better ones. Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy. --George Carlin
  3. Why thank you. "It's always nice to help!" Didn't spend much time locating it, just compared the top post on the page with the number and found it relatively fast. 1214
  4. "Stay Away From There!"
  5. There are a number of FAQs written in the help area. You can follow my link or use Help from the Helionet menu at the top of the page. That should answer your question about registration. Best Free Web Host for ASP.NET? I haven't tried too many, but I would stay away from brinkster.com. I left there because their free accounts have a lot of quirks. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why something that should work didn't. It would always be a case where brinkster put in some kind of barrier to try and force you to upgrade your account. To a certain extent I don't blame them, but I feel that they go too far. As an example, I created a file with several javascript functions inside to include in pages that need them. Brinkster adds a few lines of html to every file that is served, including those with a .js extension. This causes the javascript to fail since the interpreter is expecting only javascript and can't handle the html. Try as I might I could not find a workaround for this. I contacted Brinkster support with proof in hand and they refused to help. That is when I left for a brighter future at another host. Google brings up quite a few options to try when you do a search for "free web hosting asp.net". Although I haven't setup a site on Heliohost yet, I chose it because they offer a large number of options, including ASP.NET. At the time I was looking for PostgreSQL and ASP.NET because I am interested in learning more about them. Not a very helpful post karthiflash. Please read the Guidelines! Learn how to use the shift key and how to spell you. This is not an instant messenger.
  6. Now that's interesting. I could've swore that I posted wilt after tilt last night. Not a problem, off to the next word. tell
  7. into the fish tank
  8. Found the culprit that doesn't know how to count - Everlast7. Between post 1160 and 1161 they went from 1159 to 1200. There were also a number of posts that didn't include a number so this isn't the first time we've had a correction. 1212
  9. loved to dance polkas
  10. Maybe Sungazer was responding to Frankie's post and zippo was a quicker clicker. Since Sungazer hasn't replied for a bit I'm raising the penalty to eating a bowl of yamp and samp mixed together. dill
  11. Seems like Sungazer has a different rule book or is playing change the two letters. As a penalty I think he should eat a bowl of yamp. mill
  12. Yes, the .htaccess file allows you to customize your configuration by directory. Any directives that you place a .htaccess file will also apply to subdirectories of the directory it is placed in. In most cases the main configuration of apache is enough to satisfy your needs. .htaccess files come into play when you want to do something a little different.
  13. This is one of my favorites. It was outside a bar right around halloween. Get Your Boos Here!
  14. Ahh yes, now I see what you are getting at. This is handled by the DirectoryIndex and DirectorySlash directive with Apache Module mod_dir. As Wizard and Sungazer stated there are defaults setup in the main configuration file that tell the server what files to look for when a directory is entered. You would need to ask Heliohost for the default settings. Normally it is index.html and index.html.var. I would venture to guess that this has been expanded to include index.htm, index.php, default.aspx and possibly a few others. Provided overrides are permitted in the main configuration you can add a .htaccess file with a directive to point to files other than the default configuration.
  15. I'm having a difficult time understanding your question completely. All files need to have an extension so that the server and browser know how to interpret that particular file. If you are talking about breaking your site down into an organized set of directories or folders then I've found it best to use relative paths rather than complete paths. Using relative paths make it easier to move things around and adjust as the site grows. If I didn't come close to answering your question, maybe you can give an example of what you are trying to do.
  16. meriadoc

    Changes Coming

    I would agree that consolidating the forums was a good idea and think the new format is better than the old. There were a few categories out there that seemed to have common topics and could be merged. Any chance you can post a structure showing what old categories were merged into new categories? I can sort of guess, but it would make the transition a little easier. The description under Webmaster or Coding Issues needs correcting (Anything discussions involving managing a website or writing code go here). I like the majority of the category names except the top too. I'm guessing that you named them this way so people would be able to find the old posts. Here is some feedback on the categories. Webmaster or Coding Issues - I would have called this Website Management and Programming. The word issues threw me off at first. It made me think it was an area to report site problems rather than an area to discuss website features someone needs help to implement. I also think the word programming encompasses more than just coding. Computers, Tech, and the 'Net - In my opinion this should just read Technology and the Internet. Technology covers new developments in computers and other hardware. I didn't like the use of the Tech and Net abbreviations, it may not be interpreted correctly by people that have English as a second language.
  17. I don't know if your satellite package gets any BBC channels, but if it does, Dr. Who is also broadcast there as well. BBC America - Doctor Who The Silence in the Library episode last Friday night on SciFi was awesome. It continues this week. Interesting to see the actress Alex Kingston as the leader of the expedition to the library. She has been in several movies on Masterpiece Theater.
  18. There is, it is called a dwarf planet (see Pluto, Classification and Exploration). Rod91 gave us that tidbit of information back in August 2007. Why are we still talking about it?
  19. There is already a thread started on programming languages. Check out http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=2282
  20. I've used a number of them, but never VLC, I'll have to check it out someday. I'm currently using Totem Movie Player and Rhythmbox Music Player on Fedora. This is what gets installed by default and I just decided to go with them since they do the job. I've also used mplayer which I thought was decent. The non-open source players would be Windows Media Player and Real Player. I haven't used Real Player in quite some time. It's not that I didn't like it, just never reinstalled after a rebuild. I did install iTunes once, but didn't see the need to keep it around and so I removed it.
  21. I personally have never gone hunting and probably won't unless I move to a remote area and it becomes a necessity to live. At the same time I don't think it is a crime as long as you follow the laws that are in place. I despise poaching and those that do it. A great percentage of poachers are in it for the money. The other thing I am against is someone who hunts just to kill something. It is one thing to hunt and harvest the animal for food and perhaps even clothing or accessories, but when you do it just to kill there is something wrong with you. Laws are in place to prevent us from wiping out an entire species and hopefully keep animals around for generations to come. Unless you are a strict vegetarian, you really can't justify being against hunting. Afterall an animal is killed to provide that hamburger or chicken wing. Some may justify it by saying, well those animals are raised just for that purpose. So what would these animals be doing if we weren't raising them and living on rice and beans? You might also say the same thing about fish and aquatic life. You're killing another animal, right? Besides our intelligence, what makes us any different than the lion or bear? I think some people would be hard pressed in their stance if they were put in the situation of being hungry and had their choice of eating dry grass or wildebeast.
  22. Why yes, to a certain extent the introductions topic does allow you to learn a little about people. In my opinion an introduction is more of a one time thing. I don't expect any thread to go on forever and in fact that gets kind of old. What I was looking for is a way to learn about others from what they do in their spare time. More or less asking what are your interests or what are you working on now. I think that is a different take, it gives a path for growth instead of here is my resume and this is what I'm all about.
  23. Thank you for your replies. I thought this thread would be a good way to learn a little about the people on HelioNet. Thank goodness I was right. A few weeks ago I went to see the NASCAR truck races at a speedway not too far away. I've been to a number of races in my time, but this was the first truck race. It was pretty exciting and it was a nice crowd of people to be with. We were able to walk around the track before the race and meet some of the drivers. There was also time for socializing in the parking area while enjoying a sandwich and favorite beverage. I'm not a superfan or anything like that, just like to watch it once in a while to see something different. This weekend I took time out to watch the race on television and it was an incredible finish. Probably the closest race I have ever seen. They had to wait and review photos to determine who crossed the finish line first. Good luck on those tests Frankie. Bishh, surely there is more to your life than what you wrote, why not get outside and enjoy life? Sounds like you are getting into the pet scene reesybob. We had an awesome dog at the camp I worked at when I was younger. He was a New Findland, very large and friendly. People would be intimidated when they first met him, but he was a lot of fun. Always wanted to get a dog, but my life has enough complications at the moment. Perhaps when I'm older and retired.
  24. "I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships." ---Gilda Radner
  25. Does it really matter who got it right? When it comes down to it we all have our views and discussing something like this just seems a little pointless. Yet here I am talking about it. Perhaps the real answer is not even on the table. Maybe we are all part of some elaborate 8th grade science project in an even bigger universe. I personally think there are bigger problems to solve than this. World hunger, poverty, war, failing economies... I'm not sure what the answer is to any of those. The world has been struggling with these problems since the dawn of man. It would be awesome if we could just figure out the secret recipe that would make everyone happy.
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