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Everything posted by crazybmanp

  1. ok, thank you
  2. for the frontpage problem, make sure you have properly installed frontpage, and you haven't deleted any of the folders in your public_html folder like _vti_[something else here] or the _private folder, these are folders that are required for frontpage to work. (at least on my hosting server through heliohost, frontpage seems to be working and response times seem great, maybe there is a problem with a server)
  3. talking about things that do not work i went to site software to try and install a few cool things and when i tried to install the phpMyChat (and later i found out everything else) i got this error message: This is a modified cPanel module. Please contact the maintainer for support. (v0.1) Website http://phpmychat.sourceforge.net/ Sorry modified cPanel addons are not allowed, contact your server admin for more info. i have already requested help on this error, but got none; topic: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...amp;#entry34635
  4. http://gamer-hotspot.heliohost.org/ a gaming site, and we rank almost everything. i only have 1 review so far, but we just remodeled and moved to heliohost, and now our fan base is very small. so like games, visit my site and post on the forum.
  5. instead of going to site software, i simply went to the fantastico delux thigny
  6. nevermind, i figured it out myself
  7. i went into the "site software" section on my heliohosted site to add a forum and blog, it returned the folowing error: This is a modified cPanel module. Please contact the maintainer for support. (v2003.0211) Website http://www.wordpress.org/ Sorry modified cPanel addons are not allowed, contact your server admin for more info.
  8. i cannot get any of the php stuff to work, it says the cpannel is modified, i am a brand new member, i am currently trying to get my forum and bog set up for my website. so either, how do i fix it so i can but a forum and a blog in, or how can i upload a blog and forum
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