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Everything posted by jjpriest25

  1. caused unthinkable damage to
  2. To make matters worse,
  3. as boils erupted from
  4. Would've taken me awhile just to do that..Dialup internet.. 1215
  5. loaded with green algae
  6. excellent work, detective meriadoc 1213
  7. heh...we should look at every post on all 81 pages to see who did it! --Or, maybe not. So are we going back down? 1210? or 1245
  8. when the exotic penguin
  9. at his grandmother's church
  10. These 3 and 4 word story games are really fun on forums. They can get really random and you never know what direction it's going to go in. So it works like this: Each person uses 4 words to continue the story from the person before them. Example: First guy: He went to the Second guybookstore to get a third guy really cool bookmark that And it just goes like that. Like I said, this should be pretty interesting. Starting here. There was once a
  11. 1244--getting longer all the time...how are we on 1244 if this is just post 1208?
  12. All right, I want to clear this up. I use the computer like everybody else(with left clicks and right clicks and middle mouse scroll). I was talking about while I was in the downloads window and was trying to clarify this statement: So that was all in the downloads window. Hopefully everything is clear now because the problem went away whenever I reinstalled Firefox.
  13. Why can't you use it on your pc? Believe me, Firefox is amazing compared with IE and (in my opinion)Opera. When I first found Firefox, I was still using an old version of IE so I didn't have tabs. Whenever I got Firefox and tabs, I just never gave the other browsers a real chance. So if they've improved lately I probably don't really know much about them.
  14. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! What do we do? Don't panic. Oh my, I should stay calm and analyze this situation thoroughly. hmm... Since Zippo was the last post, I'd better just go with that. Because even though that doesn't exactly fit the rules of the game, that's what we did earlier. As long as we stay consistent we may be able to retain some sense of order. I'll go with: bile and hope that nobody else manages to "click quicker" than me and screw all of this up even more.
  15. I only omitted left clicking because whenever I left click it doesn't do anything. Nor when I double left click. Anyway, I uninstalled firefox, then re-downloaded it and installed it and everything seems to be working fine.
  16. Well, at least it still rhymed even if it didn't make a lot of sense. . . . fill
  17. I'm curious, how did we get from hole to roll... Anyway: pill
  18. Thanks for the input, Frankie. None of that worked...but, like I said, the Flashgot addon is so nifty for downloading that it really doesn't matter that much. It's just kind've weird...
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