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Everything posted by jjpriest25

  1. unfortunately, maybe... thong maybe we oughta change the rules...you can either change a letter or add or subtract a letter...what do you guys think?
  2. think...think...think...just can't come up with a word, oh wait: think
  3. That's interesting. I didn't even know what boggle was until earlier this year. Our school tightened up security on the limitations of web pages; meaning virtually all game sites were blocked--and with all the pointless and super easy computer classes I had, I had to do something on the internet. Eventually I found this site that had boggle on it, and I played it pretty much every day. I don't really think I was that good, but I got scores of 50 and 60 a couple times...anyway, good enough for the high scores of the day. I've never played the actual board game version though. I've got a brand new boggle box set sitting downstairs that we got for Christmas a few years ago, but nobody has played it yet. Maybe we oughta give it a shot...
  4. ...You poor poor soul. @Trippin: You can get Halo for PC. Halo 1 and 2 are out, 'cept Halo 2 requires Vista. I knew halo 1 was out, and I have Vista so I could get halo 2. But I don't know if they'd really be worth it since I'm no so much into playing the singleplayer missions. I buy games JUST for the online versions. @wizard Dial-up is so bad I don't know how to describe it. haha, I appreciate your sympathy--Good part is, I convinced my mom to call insight so we might be getting that (they probably don't service us, just like all the other high speed providers) but I won't let that get me down! @Trippin: I didn't care much for halo 1... I played Halo 2 for Vista and beat it during the 30 day registration period for Vista and it was okay.. I'd say everybody should at least play it a little--it's worth that at least. I used to really like it, but it's pretty boring now.. plus, to play it, I have to reformat my hard drive every thirty days cause my main vista install is on my laptop. Halo 3 for vista would be cool with me...not sure they'll do that though.
  5. We need to get away with having an s at the begining... How about we plan this out.. I'll do Shone Somebody else can do something else that rhymes with fine (hint hint) and from there we might be able to change it to something that has the letters thi in it (another hint hint) Then we would be away from the S at the beginning Just and idea...
  6. waitresses at IHOP. Furthermore
  7. especially if you will play it online... sounds like a problem to me then.. As of right now, I've still got Dial-up, so I guess that doesn't work. I got tired of the old war games too, though, so maybe this would be interesting--modern guns sound promising... Gosh darnit! I still can't decide if I should get this game! I'm pretty sure I'll get Crysis though
  8. This is a topic to post your favorite board game. Tell us what you like about it and if you have any traditions with it. I personally don't play that many board games...at all. Except for SCRABBLE, which I play all the time. I like the mental challenge to it; the fact that it's not a game ALL about luck. But there is a luck factor to it, so that keeps it interesting. Also, it's a game that sharpens your vocabulary. I don't necessarily know the definition of all the words played, but it does increase the number of words I know which gives me a chance to look them up and memorize them. For those of you who don't play any board games, whatsoever, think about this. (If this doesn't apply, just change the situation a bit) Say it snows and snows and snows, and you can't even get out of your driveway. Then the power goes out. You and your family and maybe a couple friends are just chilling without power. You decide to play a board game. What game would you play?
  9. Thanks a bunch Wizard. That's exactly the opinion I was hoping to hear. I'm planning on building a new machine soon, so it should be able to play it. I sortof like the Halo games, except I'm almost entirely a pc gamer, so I haven't even played H3 yet. I think I'll give COD4 a shot. Loads of people do like it so, it's bound to be worth something...I just hope it's worth 48 bucks... Oh, by the way, I mentioned that Crysis was on Newegg for 28 -- not sure where I saw that -- It's 37, so still not too bad.
  10. I'm thinking about getting Crysis. I know everybody crapped their pants over it for a long time, but is this game more than just hype? It's down to about 28 bucks at newegg so it's never been cheaper than now, so, unless it's a bad game, I might get it. Another thing...Is Call of Duty 4 worth getting? I've heard two sides with this one. One is that the graphics are phenomenal and that they love the game; the other is that it's nothing more than graphics and the game isn't any good. Has anybody played it that's not a COD fanatic and can give me a good opinion about this game? same question goes with Crysis, too.
  11. resulted with a walrus
  12. You may be right...or maybe we just haven't started off with a good word. Found seemed pretty limited. Stone
  13. a dose of euthanasia
  14. What!? Never will you get it while we LIVE
  15. I always like going to a technology forum. A lot of times if you find something iffy on the web, you just ask the opinions of guys on the forum, and they'll lead you in the right direction. I didn't realize Wikipedia even had to document sources. I don't use it enough to really know, but I always that was an optional thing of the author. The one thing I know for sure is that the English teachers at my school go nuts at the mention of Wiki anything. They go on and on about how the information there could be provided from crackheads or first graders. Either way, if you need to get started in the right direction, sites like that, along with ample googling, usually end up giving you the information you are seeking. Cheers to wikihow, reliable or not, because it got my PC back in working order. Like we've been discussing, make sure you use your brain when you use all of those tutorials..they're probably benign but you never know for sure... Just make sure you don't bend any processor pins
  16. infected wart that needs
  17. Yeah, I sometimes don't trust the wiki's but, like meriadoc said, I found it through google and it managed to fix my problem. good way of saying it.
  18. Not to mention the
  19. It takes more time than it's worth to search if you have dial-up...so, my apologies if we've already had HIVE
  20. crap...good catch wizard. I had just looked at it moments before and it didn't register in my brain... bound
  21. I was looking around at the parts in my computer, taking them out and looking at them, then putting them back in. Then, when I tried to turn the computer back on, nothing happened. After looking around, I narrowed the problem down to my CPU. It's pins were all bent up. So I found this guide, http://www.wikihow.com/Fix-Bent-Pins-on-a-CPU, and I wanted to share it with everybody and anybody because it totally saved my computers life. I had never been to Wikihow before so I didn't know they had such useful information out there. In conclusion, if you have CPU install problems, or if you messed with the CPU and the computer is not starting, look at the pins and if they're screwed up, use the guide. It works like a charm.
  22. and also dressed in
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