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Everything posted by jomgapuz

  1. I received it. Thank you!
  2. Hello, I have donated before and when I signed in, this (the screenshot) is the result. My account was on Tommy as I have donated before. Is there a way I can claim an account again on Tommy? My username was gapuz.
  3. Can't get my Nvidia MX150 to work.
  4. I guess the database service to use hasn't been brought out yet. Can we have MongoDB in the Lily server?
  5. How about Node.js? Will you add it to Lily server?
  6. I would love to try a Windows server. :-)
  7. I've signed up already but are there any freebies?
  8. Hi, I have signed up for monthly donation. What gives? :-) thank you! More power!
  9. How about the second question? I cannot see my RAM or CPU usage in my cPanel.
  10. So aside from having an account on Tommy we can also have an account on the new server at the same time if we donated?
  11. Hello, Being a donor, will I have an exception? For example, if just in case I've reached resource limit and my account was automatically deleted, will I be able to restore my account? Also, how will I know that my account in cPanel is using an amount of RAM or CPU load?
  12. Hi, Just read it. As per documentation, it must be installed with the parameter: –with-password-argon2
  13. Hi, Just in. As of release PHP 7.2.0, the new password hashing algorithm should be available but it doesn't seem to exist. Using the hashing algorithm introduce from here, here and here: PASSWORD_ARGON2IThe usage below should work...: <?php /** * This code will benchmark your server to determine how high of a cost you can * afford. You want to set the highest cost that you can without slowing down * you server too much. 8-10 is a good baseline, and more is good if your servers * are fast enough. The code below aims for ≤ 50 milliseconds stretching time, * which is a good baseline for systems handling interactive logins. */ $timeTarget = 0.05; // 50 milliseconds $cost = 8; do { $cost++; $start = microtime(true); password_hash("test", PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ["cost" => $cost]); $end = microtime(true); } while (($end - $start) < $timeTarget); echo "Appropriate Cost Found: " . $cost; ?> ...but it failed with the warning: Warning: Use of undefined constant PASSWORD_ARGON2I - assumed 'PASSWORD_ARGON2I' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/gapuz/public_html/jomgapuz.com/public_html/info.php on line 14 Warning: password_hash() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in /home/gapuz/public_html/jomgapuz.com/public_html/info.php on line 14
  14. Hello, Thank you for updating! For clarifications, I meant the php lib for mongodb. Not the service itself. :-)
  15. Hi, I have seen that the version in Tommy is RC6. Can we update it to the at least latest and stable release version? Also, can we include mongodb extension? Thank you very much! More sunlight to Helio Networks! :-)
  16. I think that we need to work on the branding of Helio Networks so that there would be only one icon to represent our great community. Or do we have a logo already? ;-) I just thought of Helio Networks having consistent identity. Just an idea.
  17. Oh, is that so. I am looking forward to it. :-)
  18. Oh, but the extension only is like installed opcache. it is just and ".so" file that can be downloaded here: https://pecl.php.net/package/mongodb I thought it would be faster like I used to do here in my localhost, Windows, because it is just a ".dll" file. I don't how the same goes to linux. Is it ".so" or more complicated? But yeah, I think that I can start from there from just the extension first... I'll just remote to my replica set in MongoDB Atlas for now. But it really depends. No rush. Hehehehe!
  19. Thank you for the concern! Thank God, we're far from the place which is Marawi City. But the insurgency is still there and has caused too much damages, and even costed too many lives, be it soldiers or civilian. Even some politicians put all the blame to the president. By the way, how's the status of MongoDB? Will you have another thread for its roadmap if it is happening?
  20. I am using PHP v5.6. For my main domain but I am planning to use PHP 7.1 after my domain 'jomgapuz.xyz' is added. I already changed its nameservers and still waiting for the change [worldwide]. HAHAHA! Wow! I didn't expect that my request could lead to more possibilities! Of course, it would really be great if you can serve MongoDB also! So not just connector/extension and phplib, you will also install the service right? I am very glad to borrow a hosting space from you! P.S. Can opcode caching be enabled? P.S. Sorry for my bad English.
  21. Hello, Is there any chance that PHP Opcode Caching can be enabled in your server? It is somehow recommended feature for a Drupal 8 site. Also, I have a free database replica set which is we can avail for free from MongoDB itself. My request is if we can have its extension and PHP library installed in your system. This would greatly decrease server load if I would be using a database service outside from the server. Best Regards, Username: icywind Server: Ricky Main domain: jom.heliohost.org
  22. I cannot edit my first post because there's an error says, "...Cannot call method 'gettext'..."
  23. Oh yeah! Thanks for that!
  24. Oh... Wait, please don't delete my account. Thank you!
  25. Please delete my forums account. Thanks! Please don't delete my forum account. Thanks!
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