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Everything posted by viclou

  1. It honestly looks like a scam to me, because you are not gaining atucal people.
  2. It's #9,989 in Washington DC... lol
  3. WTF, it wasn't like that yesterday!
  4. ...and heliohost's servers have cURL built-in, so there's no hassle with upgrading!
  5. coolfa.in refuses to load for my end...
  6. Uh-huh. Copyright violations exist for a reason but I am not against piracy in any way!
  7. I have experienced this problem, and it appears that the page refused to load fully in cPanel, and it gets stored in your cache... but clearing the cache fixes your problem.
  8. It appears the Stevie is back up for good now... why isn't the status updating on the homepage?
  9. You should take a look at http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ as it gives a good representation of the current server status...
  10. All the websites are pretty decent...
  11. If you don't have piracy laws in your country, you're probably safe.
  12. That's a quite simple logo... I like it for its minimalism!
  13. Actually, this request needs to be escalated to the root admin as it's something we don't have the power to do.... and it's really hard to fix this yourself. Heliohost will need to reset your hosting account!
  14. You need to log into cPanel once every 30 days... that's the only restriction. <b>If you make sure to log into heliohost once every couple of days, you're gonna be all good to go!</b>
  15. Actually, there is an easier way to install WordPress!<b>In your cPanel under "Software/Services", there's Softaculous! Just pick WordPress, fill out the info, and it will install WP for you without any pain!
  16. lol.... you're gonna have to edit that post about piracy...
  17. We use facebook because we all use facebook. Same with twitter. Google+? No one uses it.
  18. That is an issue that many are experiencing. What server are you trying to sign up for?
  19. Heliohost supports any charset, but its main servers are utf-8 based, not unicode. update: you can upload non utf-8 files... just used the built-in file manager from cPanel!
  20. Today (March 6, 2011) marks the 100th birthday of the Oreo cookie! When was the last time you had an #oreomoment?
  21. This topic is being discussed over at http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11475-addonparked-domain-adding-problem... please report there with your information!
  22. What server are you on? Johnny OR Stevie?
  23. Religion doesn't really matter about who a person is. It's really the integrity that matters!
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