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Everything posted by mafia-thug

  1. Nice how much time have u been playing u have good stats.
  2. I think intel dual core are actually the best.
  3. Well they might be right u never know what they could have for facts.
  4. I got to go with Scarface it's a really good movie.
  5. I like google better it has all kinds of things.E-mail, videos ect.
  6. Well this is a really good band. www.systemofadown.com
  7. The best ever. Look i think its a really good band you should try it out.
  8. Well i really like the xbox 360 it has so many games that are so cool.
  9. Well it's really cool to play. I have lots of games.
  10. Yup it is a really good band of some best metal.
  11. Almost 4 years and still running strong.
  12. I would prefer broadband, its really fast.
  13. Well i never like pac-man thats my worts game and yes i would play it again.
  14. Well if its that good i think im going to buy it to and do the same thing u did invite some people and start playing.
  15. Well yes the 360 is better but in some ways because the 360 has way more games and the ps3 dose not.
  16. Well 2007 for psp is cool i have it.
  17. Wll yeah i seen it it's really funny hahahaha
  18. Well i think limewire is not that good.I would rather pay for getting music.
  19. I like all playstation's they are cool when they just come out.
  20. I really dont have best songs because i listen to everything.
  21. Shakira daddy yankee rap hip-hop country
  22. They are good i really do like their music. It's one of my most liked bands.
  23. I really don't get u but u could always go to itunes.For buying music.
  24. Does anybody here play runescape? Yes, I play runescape. Im a level 62, 42 and 18.
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