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Everything posted by XPlumpedXLipsXandXArsenicX

  1. Granted, I beleive the world would be well rid of the beastly things (guns). However, guns can also be a method of self0defece for those who are not physically strong enough to repel an attacker hand-to-hand. I myself, as I woman living in a large city, feel it is something of an obligation to myself to carry a gun permit and a pistol when out on the streets at night (even sometimes during hte day). Why? Rapists, mostly, buta lso thieves and all manner of violent criminals. The honest people who would give up their guns int he even of a ban are often the ones who would end up needing them the most. After all, since criminals obiviously don't have any problen doing something illegal, and often already own illegal guns, these criminals owuld probably have the upper hand. Why? Simply because they wouln't abide by the ban! It would make it easer for them to rob, murder, and rape because their victims would have fewer effective defenses! Pepper spray and tazers? These could be used as offensive weapins in the stead of guns, and their range and effectiveness is limited. So I can see both sides of the gun debate, but I'm not yet willing to sacrifice my most effective self-defense weapon (Lets hope I never have to use it) when a dangerous criminal might still have his/hers. Call me paranoid, but still...
  2. I have a good freind who is on the maximm dosage of Prozac she can be on for her body weight. Anyway, before she was taking the drug, she was actually much more fun to be around, and, while she was extremily sensitive (in a bad way) to things said to her, she has confided that she wasn't all that sad. Now, she can't even wirte poetry anymore, she says the emotion she used to use is gone. Not that she's emotionally numb, per-se, but she used to talk to me about he elegance and beauty of despair, and how even though it hurt, it was a pleasant pain. But she thought prozac would make her life better. Unfortuantely, Prozac can't fix 18 years of family problems and abuse by a stalker-ish stepfather. Ultimately, this made me question antidepressants in general. Yes, I"ve done reasearch, yes chemical imbalace and all that. Imbalance as compared to what? Happy people? Yes, I suppose. But maybe that imbalance is natural for that person, and fixing it with antidepressants is really over kill? She wasn't miserable back then. She cried and went into fits less than I do, but I'm not on antidepressants. I don't know. I can't put what I mean into words properly...I guess what I mean is Is it right to alter a person's veiw of the world with a drug? ESPECIALLY if they were NOT a danger to themselves or others without it?
  3. Interestingly, every decistin that may benefit the choice maker, may harm another, and vice versa. If you finish out a master's degree and get that awsome job. you may be preventing a single mom with three kids from making enough money to feed her family. Yet, that decision would still be considered "right" because it made your life better...When you could have easily let college slide and that woman could have gotten the job, which would have been nicer to her, but landed you working at MacDonalds...It's a dog eat dog world. So every decision is right for someone, even if it's bad for you, and vice versa. Someone comes out on top.
  4. The signs of the apocoalypse are constantly happening, natural distasters, wars, and tyrants. Who can say? And furthermore, if we did know for sure it would happen, would that really change anything?
  5. They have an intersesting story, but for most serious halo players, the real beauty is huge online battles wiht people from all over...its pretty fun, but more and more If ind myself playing RPG titles, such as Oblivion
  6. Not all Christains are good people, and not all good people are Christains. I'm not a bad person just because I don't beleive in god. I've known too many people who only bring up their "belifs" when it suits them, their moments-notice situation or gets them attention. But yes, people who actually strictly follow Christain fundamentals can be very good people. THe only thing I dislike about religion is how every group tries to push their beleifs on every other group
  7. I'm an atheist, always have been, though I was raised in a Christain household, with missonaries knowcking at the door every other week and catholic schoolgirl firends. Isn't there some hipocracy in pushing one's religon on others? Religion doens't bother me, I just don't beleive in a god, but I feel no need to push that on others. So why do other people feel the need to push their beliefs on me? It sort of goes along witht the whole "God says we shouldn't murder, but you don't love Jeasus so I'm going to cut your head off" mentality of the middle ages. We modern people are better than that. But still, every eligious group is convined they are right, and scorn all others, when most have the same basic fundaments of a higher power and the difference between right and wrong. So as long as someone can differentiate between good and bad choices and actions, are they rally any less of a person just because they don't go to your church?
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