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Everything posted by XPlumpedXLipsXandXArsenicX

  1. Not much storage space for saving stuff on a pocket PC typically...
  2. Get a *cough* ZUNE *cough*. While the zune is bulkier, the new zune has 80g of storage space. The iPod nao has 2g-4g. No question there. Not to metion a bigger GLASS screen.
  3. The very same thing happened to me! Of course, it's not too much trouble to get more points, but I have all my site codes and everything ready...
  4. Um...combinibng work and personal use of the internet? Probably at least 30 hours, if not more.
  5. As far as blocks go, why not just use a proxy? A lot of proxies are block to, but it is possable to find one that works. V tunnel works on my office computers. Oh, dogpile? Nice, but I still frequent google.
  6. I really like this place thoug. I love to talk, and if talkign can get me banner-free hosting, well, then it rocks! My last site, 666.arsenic-kisses.biz.ly/ (it's still there) was cool except when they put add banners, it messd up the code, and I wasn't sure how to fix it, so I decided to find a new hosting sevice. Wihtout paying. Yes, I'm cheap.
  7. My biggest dissappointment in the iPhone is that it's 2g. That's not a lot of g's...lol. 3g would have rocked.
  8. Some sort of Cannon Digital thingy?
  9. How so you use forms to make something like a personality quiz or a test online? I can easily use quiz crators, but I want to build my own quiz format from the ground up...please help!
  10. Pretty funny. Ironically, I call my friends immature, hten go into fits of laughing hysteria at fart jokes...hmmm.
  11. Nice! I have this odd feeling my brothers job applications look like that...
  12. Are you real? I hope I'm real
  13. If it is, I wish I knew. I'd start to live with fewer fears and inhabitions... If it is, I wish I knew. I'd start to live with fewer fears and inhabitions...
  14. Lol, yeah, frostwire and limewire on on the same network. Still despite it's viruses, every once in a while it gets me a file I can' t get elsewhere.
  15. rotflamo. Gah, I hate chat speak. But still, hilarious.
  16. Nice! I can see how some of these mistakes might have been made, but some just had to have been on purpose!
  17. I'd like to talk about fabber, but I don't want to explain them to EVERYBODY who asks. I't like a 3D printer, very cool Check them out at: www.fab@home.org
  18. R.A. Salvatores works pertaining to the Dark Elf Drizzt. BUt I finished those, so I'm moving on the the War of the Spider queen series.
  19. Any good-quality sumi ink painting really.
  20. Have you seen Knocked Up? Its a lot like that, actually.
  21. When you think about it, there's not real good way to end this thing,a nd we're still going to be the bad guys to some people. After all, we marched into a country and killed their leader. He deserved it, but some people still uspport him. Who can say they won't end up with another leader who is just as bad? Maybe we should stop trying to mold other countries in our image. I still say support our troops! (Just not the idiot who misled them)
  22. I'd like to discuss anarchy, and I'd like any ararchists to step forward so we can talk about it. I mayself support it in some ways. But I"m not sure where to begin with my discussion, so I'm asking someone else to start...Please, this is an inteligent conversation,NOT an "Anarchy is a stupid Idea!", "Let's kill the president!" sort of topic.
  23. Four dogs (Akita, Lab, and 2 english springer spanials-all female) 1 silver simese/tabby mix (female). ANd two goats, (female). Lol,and I'm a girl, so my house is like, estrogen overdose, lol. Oh yeah, and I have a pet monkey!!! I mean boyfriend.
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