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  1. its going to take a year before this is fixed.... i will try to find a backup meanwhile BRILLIANT! I MANAGED TO SCREW THIS ONE UP TOO!!!! whats wrong with me :/ i have managed to screw up almost the same thing two times now.
  2. you should be able to park it. but it tells you its controlled by another user. are you on the same user on all these steps? if not try to remove the domain from your user as its not owned by anyone and then park it.
  3. wouldnt it be illegal to share a game with a bunch of keys icluded in a txt too?
  4. megadeth and dubba johnny.
  5. xbox540

    Disk Space

    i have a tk domain and i got 500mb. can you get any lower than that? because i have always had 500mb
  6. well, i think i waited 24 hours now. lets see the report taken right now of a dns scanner.... Base troms.tk Record a Name IP (United States) Reverse johnny.heliohost.org Route AS AS6939 Hurricane Electric 55 South Market St San Jose, CA
  7. johnny runs on the special vps cpanel... maybe thats why? heres the names displayed on top right of the cpanels: johnny : cpanel vps optimized 3 stevie: cpanel accelerated 2 the best way to connect to the cpanel is from: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 or http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/ if you just want to upload use ftp ;P and cody is for heliohost.org website only and since the dns on helionet.org is pointing at heliohost.org i assume its also hosted on cody. (this information about cody might be wrong)
  8. okay, but wouldnt johnny conflict with stevie since both will be pointing to my domain on the same nameserver? EDIT: i changed the stevie account to point to the domain but it didnt work. it goes to johnny automaticly Report: 2012-01-14 11:04:56 (GMT 1) Website: troms.tk IP Address: IP Hostname: johnny.heliohost.org
  9. yes, i signed up succesfully on stevie 3 days ago (alekso.heliohost.org) i got a confirmation email on that one and i didnt on johnny. im not sure i was permitted to sign up on stevie before i closed the johnny account properly. but i just wanted to test. it came up in like 6 hours and this is taking 6 days. if you can close the johnny account i would be happy because then i can change the dns on alekso.heliohost.org into troms.tk and just forget about johnny (currently the domain is pointing to the heliohost nameservers and it would probably not work if i change the dns setting on my stevie account. because its already taken by the johnny account)
  10. on http://foodservicedemo.dweller.heliohost.org/ you se the account is queued. wait for the settings to be configured for the subdomain first. it will work after 24 hours. just like the main domain waiting period.... apache and that stuff isnt gonna config itself
  11. the earth is not flat or round! everyone has been lying to us. here is one of the real earth maps:
  12. Okay, i first posted on the wrong site of the forum so i didnt got a proper reply. i made a account on johnny for a while ago now and it has been queued for a long time... acctualy 6 days! "This process usually takes 24 hours" heliohost username: crabuwo server: johnny main domain: troms.tk its been queued for 6 days so i assume something is wrong. i tried to logg onto cpanel but that didnt seem to work. it says "were sorry, we couldnt find that name in the database" and its been doing this for 6 days. i made a mistake signing up for johnny. i was really going for stevie since im not interested in the services that johnny has. so if it is possible. can you delete the account and then let me make a new one on stevie. since johnny is taking up the dns on the nameserver and i cant delete my old account.... i cant solve this problem.. please help me! regards, xbox540
  13. these are called Core dump files and Wikipedia says “a core dump consists of the recorded state of the working memory of a computer program at a specific time, generally when the program has terminated abnormally (crashed).” Core dumps are often used to diagnose or debug errors in computer programs." wordpres doesn't create these files but there is a problem on that site. Something is crashing like Apache etc hence the core dump.
  15. once i went to the heliohost website register page. i do not know what happened. but it looks like the cpanel account doesnt exist and the account queued page is being displayed for ages. nothing happened on troms.tk for 4 days now. can you remove this one as i can create a new one. because this account doesnt seem to exist <.< the cpanel account is named: crabuwo and the website is named: troms.tk CLOSING BECAUSE I POSTED ON THE WRONG PLACE
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