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Everything posted by Fulf

  1. I have no idea from where I remembered these numbers. (I actually have, but...yeah...whoops). I will follow the CNAME route just as soon as I can get my server up and running. Thanks for the tip. I was actually meaning if one could help me find a plugin for Wordpress that would do that, but then again, couldn't I just CNAME Dropbox's URLs? Regardless, CNAME will probably be the way to go
  2. This also happened to me on numerous occasions... (I'm just saying, this is not an isolated problem)
  3. Okay, let's get this straight, I'm not posting here to complain about the "small" (which is actually more than enough) space limitation we all have (100MB). I want to ask if there's any way to actually connect one of my HDD's (that's running 24/7) through cPanel to act as an additional storage device. I'm looking for hosting photographs I take at certain events and, as we all know, photos tend to occupy a lot of space... Is there any way I can somehow do that? If else, a workaround would be to connect Wordpress's Media Gallery to an external host service (i.e. Dropbox). Looking forward to your replies, Fulf. P.S. Thanks for the awesome services!
  4. Bump?
  5. You can't see any of the redirects you've added, so there's no way to remove them again. It's related to the addon/parked domain issues. An admin should be able to clear your redirects for you. Exactly! Changes are happening but are not showing in cPanel.
  6. I would! But just as Addon Domains and other stuff, no changes appear (even though the changes happened).
  7. Hello! I'd like someone to reset my redirects (on Stevie, website relativitycat.tk ) please? :3 Thank you ^^
  8. I don't want to create a new thread so I'm just going to ask here. Status? It's been over a week and Stevie is still down :\
  9. How about Tools -> Clear browsing history -> Clear Cache?
  10. Usernames ARE case-sensitive. Neganti is not the same as neganti. Keep that in mind. It worked for me, hehe.
  11. Yes! Thanks alot! I wish you all a Happy New Year, also!
  12. It seems that over 2 days passed and my domain still hasn't changed correctly. At first I changed it to relativitycat.heliohost.org but then, without being able to add an addon domain i changed it to relativitycat.tk As I complained "earlier", relativitycat.heliohost.org was "not found" for some time, but then it started working (after I updated my domain to .tk). Now it's been over 2days and still nothing. Any ideas on how to fix this problem (my site is not accesible from any url, which is a pity )
  13. Oh. Okay. Thanks for all the support. As for the first problem (browser not able to found the address) it has been fixed. Your domain changing script was just a little late. Hehe. Sorry for the multiple irrelevant posts in here (apology is a must since I'd love to get myself 400posts for the free domain service). You do a terrific job! Comparable to paid hosts!
  14. -bump- [i'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that or not, but I'd really love to be able to use heliohost D: Sorry if I'm breaking any rules and if so, please delete this post. Thank you]
  15. So, I have changed it to http://relativitycat.heliohost.org/ but Chrome says it cannot find ... 'it'. I logged in in my cPanel and the domain is exactly that one. Any help? Hehe. _________________________________________ I also tried adding an addon domain and when I clicked "Add Domain" this error popped up I tried adding it again, only to be prompted with the error.
  16. Yes, I've also read that. 0 Credibility to. Anyway, I just transferred to .heliohost.org and will get a redirect from the .tk
  17. Thanks alot. After some research it seems it's 25 users / 90 days. Thanks again. EDIT: Just noticed your post was at 10:10PM and mine at 11:11PM...hehehe.
  18. I don't know honestly. Don't they enforce ads?
  19. Ow. Awesome! Thank you. Does heliohost feature more domains or is it just .heliohost?
  20. Hey. You believe the Earth is flat? Props to you. Means you're a genius! And I'm not kidding. Genius and just really god damn crazy are just 2 sides of the same coin. But when you try to teach others this, and fail to realize that you may be (ARE!) wrong...You're a god damn retard! :| Are you kidding me? I went on a thread there in which a user demanded proof as to why they think the earth is flat. The responses diverted the thread to Pentagrams, Goatees, Pitchforks and Airplanes. Which, btw...Airplanes are probably a pro-argument for the earth being a sphere.
  21. I'm 100% sure that EVERYONE believes in some sort of god. And if they say they don't, they're lying to themselves. I personally am an Agnostic and I don't agree with many religion based things (especially from Christians) but I'm pretty sure there is something greater than us that created us. One theory of mine is also that, we are our own gods. Every human being that you encounter, everyone, is his own god. Why? It all started about 5 years ago, when I was 12 and I watched some cartoon. I then asked myself randomly...What if I'm the one that controls this world? And every other person has it's own world that he/she controls? What if I'm the center of the universe? But every person I see has it's own universe? Then I realized that what I was asking myself...actually made sense! And I'm sometimes still asking myself this. And sometimes, it just looks as if I'm right. People do things based on my emotions, and I don't mean that if I'm sad people cheer me up. But then again, I may just as well imagine all this stuff. This is what's so fun about it. You. Never. Know. But is it important? Is it more important to try and prove that something exists your whole life instead of enjoying it? All we have is one life so, instead of just bashing ourselves with irrelevant questions, we might just as well enjoy our life more, and spend more time thinking of how to make life enjoyable for our future generations! Hope that made sense! - The relative kitten, Fulf.
  22. So here I have 11 variations of my 'future' blog's logo: I'm not a designer or anything, but I'm proud of how they came out!
  23. I have an Dell Inspiron N5010, Intel i3-380M 2.53GHz, 3GB DDR3 @ 1333MHz (limited to 1066MHz), 320GB HDD @ 5400rpm and an ATI Mobility HD5650 with 1GB GDDR3. I also own a PC...Intel Dual Core 3.12GHz, can't remmeber the HDD, 4GB DDR2 (only 3 are being used), ATI EAH3850 with 256GDDR3. I managed to get my hands on a Mac too, from an iOS Game Dev. company, but which specs' i forgot. As far as I remmeber it's just a Dual Core with 2 GB of Ram and an onboard GraphicsCard. Also @ xwinuser the reason why you're seeing 4 CPUs is because they're not CPU's. They're "threads". Closest way to describe them is, you have 2 "real" CPUs and 2 "virtual".
  24. Honestly, I do think so! While this feature may be cool and sometimes, time saving, I find it useless in general. Invasion of privacy - not so much. But it's not really comfortable either.
  25. Hey there. I have a small question about HH. I registered a .co.cc domain but after a few days of research, I begin to regret this decision. A couple of antivir's are blocking .co.cc and also, Google banned it from indexing. So, I saw you have a change domain script, but is there a way to actually get a domain from you now? (*.heliohost.com) Or did I "miss" my chance?
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