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  1. I didn't even get to the part to name the site... I clicked renew first, and it didn't work, so I went back and clicked new then the "Item not available" happened.
  2. I just bought the 250 helions hosting plan, and I tried to fill out the username field, but it wouldn't work. (Something about no instances, so use your control panel name.) So I clicked back, and filled in infinity, and clicked signup, but it then said that I didn't have the item anymore, and I checked my inventory, and it was gone. Help!
  3. We are Christian founded, but freedom was the main idea. People say the U.S. was never Christian, but how was it that Christmas is a federal holiday?
  4. infinity

    Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails. I'm pretty sure he's content with what he is offering now. Who knows. I've tried some hosting with it, I don't enjoy it.
  5. I haven't watched movies for a while... I can't remember. I do want to see American Gangster, though. Anyone saw that?
  6. Any sort of computer science job would work for me. I'm specifically looking at OS programming and game design. =\
  7. I'm pretty sure they fixed that already by changing the compressed gas type...
  8. My sig looks hella ugly. But the site itself is very nice.
  9. Live CDs are only used by most people to troubleshoot, but I find it fun to play around with. Otherwise, I'll stick with a regular Linux OS.
  10. Coarse, but worth a chuckle. I always find pickup lines as funny.
  11. Hm. We need some active members... This forum is kinda dead, except for djbob.
  12. Definitely reality. However the most disturbing thing to me, is the fact that some people still think that global warming happens when you use spray paint and the hole in the ozone gets bigger... Someone needs an update.
  13. Thanks.
  14. Thanks for the quick reply. For the second question I was talking about the domain registration that you offer in the store. Does it come with hosting or do we have to buy both?
  15. I have 2 questions addressed to whoever can answer them: 1.) Would it be within guidelines for me to charge helions for graphics? (I would make graphics for people, and charge the helions in exchange.) 2.) Regarding the domain registration, do we have to get that + hosting, or does it come with hosting. Just a couple of things that came up. Thanks a lot.
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