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Posts posted by softlab

  1. Hi.


    The problem is that neither under my public_html nor under the www folder I am able to see the folder JAW, which should contain the content of the war file I requested to be deployed. Is there something I miss?

  2. Hi.


    My user is bfpsw on Johnny.


    I had my java web app deployed a few days ago. I tried with FileZilla to find under my profile the tree of the web app, but with no success. In the web app tree there is a folder where the app writes a log4j output and I need to see it. How can I access it?



  3. Hi. I'm softlab on Johnny.

    When I try to sign in using my Johnny username, the system tells "Invalid login", even if in the top-left corner appears my mail address, which I think means the system recognizes me. What's the problem?



  4. Hi. I'm softlab on Johnny.


    My web application uses log4j to trace errors and writes them in a subfolder of the application. In the application I have a function that reads that file, but it gets always an error. How can I read that log file?



  5. Hi. I'm softlab on Johnny. I can't connect with FileZilla client to my public folder, here is the error



    Stato: Risoluzione dell'indirizzo IP softlab.heliohost.org in corso

    Stato: Connessione a

    Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...

    Risposta: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------

    Risposta: 220-You are user number 7 of 20 allowed.

    Risposta: 220-Local time is now 11:11. Server port: 21.

    Risposta: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login

    Risposta: 220 You will be disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.

    Comando: AUTH TLS

    Errore: Timeout connessione dopo 20 secondi di inattività




    Errore: Impossibile collegarsi al server




    Which can be the problem?



  6. Hi all. I'm "soflab" on Johnny.


    I log in my cPanel and try to access PhPMyAdmin giving my username and password; I get the first attached error page. If I try to access with HeidiSQL (host Johnny.heliohost.org) I get the second attached error.


    What can I do?







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