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Everything posted by Ruze

  1. That was great. I recognized most of them pretty quick. The Zelda one was the best i thought.
  2. 605 I think so....
  3. Good Idea 570 or 599
  4. 568 or 597? Gah! *head explodes*
  5. lol, short and uh.....sweet i guess. The credits ARE worth it lol. WATCH EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!
  6. San Diego, California US of A. Where everything is brownish imo even the sky!
  7. Lol, vacation right now but it's usually from 7:30 to 2:15 with 30 minute lunch, 5 minutes between classes, 70-80 minute classes but 3rd period is 2 hours long because of lunches. But every other Wednesday we get out an hour and 15 minutes early, so 1st, 2nd, and 4th periods are shorter.
  8. I've heard a lot of people complain about Memory Cards for the PS2, especially about how much they cost. Memory Cards work great for me, I love the idea.
  9. I've been playing good ol' nintendo games since i was 2 but lately I've been movin towards Sony. Gotta love them Rachet and Clank (and Jak and Daxter) games
  10. Second one looks great once its completely loaded on my computer lol. First one is nice too.
  11. My Chemical Romance - Helena, I love this song for some reason.
  12. Firefox for me. IE makes fonts a bit bigger which sucks when making websites certain ways.
  13. If I had enough cash I'd definately go with Alienware computers, maybe after I get a job I'll get one....hmmm....Oh well
  14. The Java class was year-long. I've been teaching myself HTML and PHP for a while tho. They also have C++, Visual Basics, and some other classes too but those are only a semester so I might not learn as much as I did in the Java one.
  15. Shooters are my fav. Strategy second then Action/Adventure third. I'm not really into RPGs for some reason.
  16. Since the Nintendo Revolution is gonna be very backwards-compatible, instead of buying a GC just for this new Zelda I'll wait t'ill next year or whenever the new Nintendo comesout before getting it. The game is definately worth it tho it's just that money doesn't come by me as much as it used to lol. The designers liked cel-shading because of the way Link could now show emotions like feear and happiness. It still seemed pretty-much like a kiddy-game to me tho. I played it for the story tho which was sorta interesting. OoT wasn't too hard but it was definately fun. MM kinda sucks tho...there isn't even much of main quest...too many side things you had to do to get to the different dungeons IMO, which annoyed me to the point of not having beaten it to this day. One featureI like about Twilight Princess is the ability to be a Wolf
  17. I use Gmail mostly...
  18. Google is what i use for all of my searches. I'm not gonna say it's better tho because i've never used most of the other choices.
  19. I'm thinkin Intel is better even tho I have an AMD processor.
  20. Hiya. I'm 14 now but I'll be 15 August 8th which is the second or third day of high school for me lol. Gonna be a Softmore w00t! anyways, I'm into gaming and coding. I've studied Java (not Javascript) for a year (last year) so I have basic knowledge in that along with HTML and PHP. Hoping to learn a lot more languages before college tho. Forums here look great. Well, I guess that's all I have to say.....I think.....yea....that's it
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