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Brother Hassan

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Posts posted by Brother Hassan

  1. Lol, no, I'm just giving an approximate location of where he is. :lol:


    djbob has just emailed me how to fix PostgreSQL. Check the PostgreSQL news topic for more information.

    Ohh ...

    Well ... At least he's alive :)



    .... Or Aliens abducted him & have sent a fake email from his account :ph34r:

  2. I can't see the map :(

    Perhaps the hurricane blew it away :lol:


    Ohh ... I had to reload the page :)

    I can see it now :)


    [slightly offtopic]

    Does the whole blue area is owned by djbob or he is so big that can not fit in one state, not to mention one city or one apartment? ; D ; ) hehe ; )

    Djbob must be a landlord :lol:

  3. I know I'm making a small and arbitrary point, but there is a difference between 'quantifiable' and 'limited'. Just because something can be counted does not mean there is only a certain amount to count.

    Quantifiable means according to the Wikitionary "Something that can be quantified; a measurable." You cannot measure something that has no limits.

    The concept (for want of a better word) of God or any god/deity/supreme power/etc is only a function of faith, or belief in said god. Faith is very difficult to quantify, as it does not provide anything other than a feeling of wellbeing, companionship or guidance and is almost entirely self-sustaining. Most people have a faith in a situation where answers are not readily available, and this faith can (often vaguely, but almost always satisfyingly) explain or give reason to the nature of a given circumstance.

    Your argument holds weight if you were talking to a Christian. In Islam, God's function is not of a deity that exists to be worshiped. We see God as the cause & sustainer of existence. Even if nothing worshiped him, it would not lessen his majesty.

    At least, this is the modern faith, where science and religion are often at loggerheads. As a result, the above argument is constantly wheeled out and whored to suit anybody's narrow scientific view. This is wrong - the foundation of the scientific method is to observe with an open mind, without prejudice or predilection (I should point out that I am of the scientific stance, but am outlining this anyway).

    Science & faith are not at loggerheads. Science contradicts false notions of God. The open minded approach is encouraged by Islam. My religion does not ask for a blind leap of faith rather it gives rational arguments to support its claims.

    There have been a few posts both ways, regarding the ubiquitous 'impossible infinite chain' argument, in an effort to both prove and disprove the existence of a god and of the big bang. Unfortunately, it is not conclusive in either case: if this first instant - for whichever reason - initiated the universe, then by definition it also marks the beginning of time, which is a finite and impassable boundary. At least, with our technology and wisdom.

    Of course time is finite. God is free of time & space in Islam.

    This leads to another point. If we do, somehow, cross the threshold of time, will the findings make a difference? Even if we found out the cause of the birth of the universe, how do we understand whether or not it was determined by a Creator? All we would find is the actual physical incident. Let me clarify with a simple analogy: if we stamp on an anthill, the ants know that the anthill was flattened by a large object coming from above, the impact of which caused it's collapse. They will not understand that we meant to do it, only that it happened.

    The Birth of the universe itself is testament to the existence of God. To work with your example, the ants saw a big show coming and destroying the anthill. Now it is only logical to believe that their must be someone who wears a large shoe. Similarly, the universe is created & it is only logical to believe in a Creator.

    A falling tree has a physical (thus quantifiable?) effect on it's surroundings. What physical, demonstrable effect does a god have?

    Again, your looking at God from a perspective of faith alone. God is bigger than that. He is the source of existence. The sun revolves because of God's will. Gravity functions with Gods will e.t.c

  4. I guess love between two human beings is always materialistic. I think your thought are a bit too much, but generally love if based on lust is bound to fail. I believe that true love is between God & man. This is because God gives & man takes. There is no exchange of stuff. God loves man yet we cannot give him anything. Such one sided love, inspires within man the desire to love God :)


    "Say: O My slaves (mankind) who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful..." (Qur'an 39:53-58)

  5. Personally, I think that Islam is misjudged by many Americans. I took a few courses on religion in college, and Islam was one of the religions we studied along with Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, etc. My understanding of Islam at that time was that it holds many of the same beliefs as Christianity and Judaism. There are some differences in the scriptures of these faiths, but all three religions believe in one God with very similar characteristics. The main difference between these three faiths is apparently how they view the role of Jesus.


    I think many Americans have a misconception about Islam primarily because al Qaeda associated itself with Islam, which is unfortunate. Al Qaeda represents Islam as a violent and combative faith that wants to slay all unbelievers, take over the world, and convert everyone - which isn't true at all. In reality, from what I understand, Islam is actually a very peaceful religion with many of the same beliefs as Christianity and Judaism. Although I've never read the Koran, I'm told that the Lord's Prayer is actually on the first page.

    Please do read the Qur'an if you have the time :) The violence thing is just a farce. If you read the book, all your doubts will be clear. Islam believes in a single transcendent being, whom we call Allah/God. We just don't consider Jesus to be God, as this is something he himself never claimed :)

    But I've also heard a lot of "Death to the infidels!" stuff supposedly coming from the Quran (thanks to our national and rather well-known politician Geert Wilders).

    I'm a Muslim. I read the Qur'an almost every other day. I suggest you read it too. The book is a miracle & nothing less. The Qur'an call for fighting against oppression. The verses that call to fighting have to be read in the context they were revealed. In Arabia, at the time of my Prophet ( peace be upon him ) oppression & cruelty was open. Women were teated as animals & daughters were buried alive. The Qur'an calls for a Jihad ( struggle ) against this kind of evil & oppression.

    All organized religion is a farce, a way to bend peoples wills to a certain belief system based on fear. It's used to control people. Thankfully most religions have started to move into the present, adjusting certain rules to fit today's society. They are still based on fairy tales and thus; in my opinion - foolish. On top of that, they want money, laughable. Now speaking on Islam specifically. It is antiquated, it has not even tried to update itself. This seems to be the cause of many of the zealots that appear, bearing the Islamic standard. Islam needs to make it's way into the 21st century, it's still stuck in the past.

    lol I completely disagree :)

    Your observation is based on Christianity ( as far as I can see ), the same does not apply for Islam. Islam is a religion that is by nature different from Christianity. It has none of the "leap of faith" stuff & calls for rational belief. I request you to read a Qur'an if you wanna know what Islam is :)

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    Like in between two posts their be an ad. If you need any help ... I'm always here :)

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    I'm sure no one will object to extra ads if they mean more uptime :)

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