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Everything posted by AJKING

  1. A Bently Of Course

    Yo Yo Yo

    Hey And Welcome To The Forum I Hope You Have A Great Stay Here!!
  3. Yes, As Awesomegamer said wiki it
  4. Hi, Welcome to our community hope you enjoy your stay here
  5. thank you for your information
  6. Lol, WOW! that really really wierd i mean wierd
  7. i know its quite sad really
  8. Im still no closer to getting to my answer, how do i get a heliohost sub domain and hosting?? in sub domain i mean something.heliohost.net
  9. Windows psp is quite a good one transforms your psp into windows
  10. thanks for that information really useful
  11. i like light blue because i reminds me of the sky and i think of sun and the sea
  12. AJKING


    I was wondering what had happened but now i know i actually feel ok i thought you were closing!!
  13. yes im going to see it and it looks really good!
  14. Lol, Enough with the swearing is there any need?? Yes i agree you mucked up i think you should have some more!
  15. i did it slowly and now i have to buy it again!!
  16. i bought the hosting package normal, and the buying was fine, but when i clicked sign up it comes up with "product does not exist" or something like that in red writing, this has happened to me before why does this happen as i have now lost 250 helions!!
  17. i mean a island in the hot sun with sand lol and theres lots of water around it?
  18. I was untill i found forum posting etc.. better
  19. can you make a advatar saying AJ and some really good background??
  20. LOL, What ?? Think Look On The Posts Did He Lose Points?
  21. I Cannot Download Joomla [RESOLVED]
  22. Whats the one thing you would take on a desert island only one thing
  23. Lol Normally On For A Hour Ie 1000 - 1100
  24. LOL Great Story :P
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