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  1. How can i change my domain to http://sitename.heliohost.org? I had registered with a co.cc domain but i want to change it cuz google had block it awhile ago.
  2. Just clicked on my site too and saw the error. Hope its back up soon!
  3. @djbob ill do that. Thanks to both of you for your help!
  4. Could it be that it was some kinda error upon installation? I really would love for it to work. Please let me know of further updates if it is possible to include it in your schedule. Bless!
  5. Sorry i took so long to reply. Its for Stevie. Can it be activated? Or its not possible atm? Thanks
  6. Thanks loads for the reply jje! :thumbsup:
  7. Is it possible to install oAuth on my site? I tried it through PEAR in cpanel but its not working. I got this error
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