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Everything posted by Andrey

  1. http://www.heliohost.org/home.html Is this what your looking for???
  2. Yea I think its going to be awsome. Can't wait to watch it.
  3. Okay Ill notify you when I launch the site.
  4. Seemed like necromancing to me , sorry then. Oh and Kyle I am working on a site right now called Bot Games. It will consist of all kinds of games, its just an idea I had so I began to work on it. I will probably add a forum, so if you would like I can make you as moderator. But FYI website and forum won't be launched until probably a few weeks.
  5. First of all please don't Necromance forums, which means don't post in them if they are old. Secondly you can't get a job in a forum. What Kyle is saying is that he will be glad to get a moderator or higher position in a starting out forum. And that he will benefit the forum with helping in advertising it. If I understood correctly that is what he was trying to say.
  6. Nicely said Kyougi
  7. I got error for the link, but that is wierd 25 cents is a lot per one roach. If a family lives in a highly contaminated roach house and brings in 500 roaches from that house to the museum they will get $3,125 Thats a lot of money, if u ask me.
  8. A magic Genii lamp with a Genii who will give me three wishes. And my three wishes would be: 1. A ship 2. A crew 3. A billion more wishes lol
  9. Now I feel stupid, lol thank-you!!!!!
  10. You wake up and end up in a different life. With a different family, different everything. 2nd question dont know, its more of a spooky thing. lol If u imagine it its pretty freaky.
  11. Rofl wow lucky I also have 0
  12. I looked everywhere to find some info about the hosting packages but couldn't find any. So, sorry if I asked a dumb question What is the difference between the 1000 hosting package and the 250 hosting package? Thank-you!
  13. What if you are in a dream right now? What if everything you see, hear, and even touch is part of your dream. Your family, your friends, your Life is all part of your dream. All the good things in your life and all the bad things are part of your dream. Everything even what your reading right now is part of your dream. Everything is your dream....
  14. Maserati or Bentley
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHA another good one... I loveeee allll of these jokes, but ima stop scamming. Im just going to read them without replying. lol but they r realllyyy funny for the reference! Blasted bran muffins....hahaha
  16. ROFL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA At first I thought it was going to be dull but the punchline got me ;D
  17. HAHHAHA nice one!!!
  18. lalala SPAM ok sorry but that was sooooooooooo tempting

    Bye now

  19. Born in Kiev,Ukraine but speak Russian. Currently live in America!
  20. These are good pictures and all but no offense... DON'T NECROMANCE TOPICS!!! Thank-you
  21. And a new unit has been added!!! The Twilight Archon You get it by combining 2 high templars
  22. Andrey


    Rofl nice one
  23. 90's music... What is love...Baby don't hurt me....Don't hurt me... No moreeeeeeeeee...What is love... lol
  24. Wat r u talking about??? I am using perf. spelling/grammar. Nothin's wrong with my spellin and grammar. lol, sry I thought that chat version is allowed also. But oh well, lol. Ok, Ill make the sig smaller.
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