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Everything posted by puspus

  1. @Ookma-Kyi Result: /usr/bin/sudo @Krydos Thank you! I did not not use the complete path for the command. My bad. Now I can login. But I still wonder why admin login suddenly failed.
  2. Why suddenly I am unable to login to Hestia? I tried using this command through SSH: v-change-user-password admin [new_password] and it says permission denied. Error: user admin doesn't exist Sudo won't work either (command not found). What should I do? Thank you.
  3. Thanks Wolstech. In the meantime I tried manually reinstalling mysql2. It is reinstalled now and my node.js app is working properly.
  4. Hi, my node.js app is not working properly because it could not find mysql2 module. Is it possible to install mysql2 module? domain: puspus.helioho.st Thank you
  5. Thank you so much for your help Wolstech. Everything works on Morty as it was on Tommy.
  6. Yes I meant to move from Tommy to Morty. But I received email from PayPal and credit card company saying the payment went through. Would you like PayPal transaction number?
  7. Hi, I tried to purchase Morty server using the email I used for my Tommy. It failed half way but PayPal charged my credit card. Tommy username: puspus vps118 username: puspusssh (I used this when purchasing Morty) Same email tho. Thank you.
  8. Thanks Krydos. It was working at first login, just looking around, nothing is changed yet, then vps118.heliohost.us took too long to respond. I waited 4 hours & Hestia still unreachable. SSH is working tho. What went wrong? It's working now. Scratching my head.
  9. Thank's for the info KazVee. After looking at both, I would like Hestia installed then. Thanks
  10. Hello, just got my VPS setup. Would you please help install Plesk on my server? Domain: vps118.heliohost.us username: puspusssh Thank you
  11. I followed https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js but I can't find a node.js icon on Dev Tools. Do I need to enable something? Ah found it. Get Started tab.
  12. Never mind this. I am so sorry. Apparently my VPN preventing connection. All good now.
  13. I followed this guide: https://wiki.helionet.org/management/uploading-files#ftp-sftp From Filezilla: Status: Connecting to tommy.heliohost.org:1373... Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11 Command: open "puspus@tommy.heliohost.org" 1373 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... What am I missing?
  14. Hi, @Krydos would you please activate SFTP account on: username: puspus Server: tommy Host: puspus.helioho.st SFTP account name: puspus Root directory: /httpdocs Password submitted to heliohost.org Thank you
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