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Everything posted by majds

  1. Hello, My website has been disabled due to exceeding the 24-hour limit of 100 GB memory or 10,000 CPU. I’m reaching out to request that my account be unsuspended and to ask for assistance in understanding what may have caused the high load, as I’m not entirely sure why it occurred. username:majd793 Thank you
  2. Hello, Could you please set up SPF and DKIM records for my domain xxxx.heliohost.us? My HelioHost username is majd793 Thank you.
  3. Hello, my node js server is not working even tho i set my app.js, installed all npms and waited for 2 hours. it always shows a file path and a file(getting started) whenever I access my domain. i tried to restart it several times also but it still shows the index for the files in the system
  4. hi, my username is majds I'd like to reset my account, wipe out all old data and start fresh
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